I miss him.. you know..

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Langa pov

I lay in bed. It was 3am. Reki was next to me asleep. My mind just won't shut off it's all 'oh yeah remember when you found out your dad died.' And 'how bout the memories with your old friends who left you before you moved?' I hate it. I led there trying not to cry and felt a tear roll down my face. I hate remembering these things. I hate it. Before I knew it I was silently sobbing as to not wake anyone up.

'Langa?' I heard Reki whisper.

He must of woke from me shaking.

'Langa are you okay?' He asked.

'Mhm.' I said. If I said a word I'd probably cry more and let out a sob.

'Your not..' He said wrapping his arms around me I relaxed into the hug, 'it's okay, I got you, you can cry, don't worry'

And with that I cried more. I don't know for how long or how long Reki whispered comforting words into my ear and held me as I cried for but I fell asleep after a while.


I wrote this because I was having issues getting to sleep because my mind was saying things like this so sorry it's bad👍

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