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We were 8

When we first met

My smile as bright as your blue-green eyes

We were 9

Absoulutely inseperable

Together every moment of every day

We were 10

You said we couldn't be friends

I ws a girl; you were a boy...

It wasn't right

Neither of us even knew what it meant

We were 15

The first time you said, "I love you."

I was 16

When I first said it back

We were 17

When you were taken away

I wanted to save you

But it was too late

I was 18 

When I felt the black cloud surround me

Just like what you describe in your journal

And I knew

I wasn't far behind you

I was 19 when I became just like you

10 feet under the ground

Never thought of again

1 year had passed

Everyone mourned

It shouldn't be like this

No one should be sad

5 years passed and the cemetary was filling up

10 years passed when tragedy struck

Heaven and Hell were filling up

And back down again we went

Back to the real Hell on Earth

We became human again

And then the cycle repeated

And here we are again

Back up watching everyone else struggle to survive


Author's Note

I try not to do many of these, just because I know that I don't enjoy reading them. 

But I just wanted to say that the whole idea of this poem (for those of you who don't get it) is that two teenagers commited suicide and then everyone around them realized what happened and were upset that they didn't notice. So people became depressed, and killed themselves. 

I know this isn't exactly what some of you believe in, and that's completely fine with me. If you could not leave me hate comments, that'd be great. I know everyone has different views on religion, these are just mine. So if you don't agree, could you just kindly move on please. :p Thanks

And I know this isn't happy, but like I've said before, I don't write about happiness.

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