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Winter- As cold as your heart

But also as beautiful as you

The snow as white as my pale skin

Snow sparkly like your eyes

Dead like me, but simultaneously alive

Slippery; one mistake could cost your life

I could die in seconds at the hands of you

Spring- Here's to new beginnings

New flowers blossom; alive again

As colorful as my hair dyed head

The grass as green as your eyes

Everything very much alive like I was for some miraculous reason

The air cleaner; thoughts no longer poisoned our minds

Flowers bloomed; you picked them up; they died

Why is it that everything that touches you dies?

Little did I know, I was next

Summer- Hot and heated like us

The sunshine golden like your hair

So much time, none of which we knew what to do with

You used to hurt me, there wasn't a way to hide the bruises

You said I deserved it

The sun beat down on us much like you did on me

Sweat poured out like the blood down my nose and lips and like the blood on your knuckles.

Not your own though...

Autumn- So much for new beginnings

As the days grew shorter so did your temper

Whatever we had was now gone much like the flowers in spring

I could hide my scars easier now though

Here you come: my heart thumps as loud as the crunching of the leaves under your boots

I'm sure you can hear it too

One wrong move and I'll fall like the leaves from the oak tree I'm standing in

3, 2, 1 and you looked up

The sparkle in your eyes, now gone. In its place is now an evil glint

The moment and everything else are gone. In its place is now fear

Well goodbye

Winter- The funeral is as lifeless as I am now

You're here

They blamed it on the cuts, drugs, alcohol, depression

But never on you

We were both perfect, except for you...

And now I was dead

Time for revenge...

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