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We met:

Your blue-green eyes met my hazel ones

Your eyes shone as bright as my smile

We were children

There was nothing to worry about

As we got older I noticed your eyes got darker

As the years flew by your eyes lost their sparkle

I was too scared to say anything

You got thinner with every passing day

Just as your eyes lost their glitter

Your wardrobe, even in the summer consisted of long sleeves

I asked you why and you said simply

"Everyone has their secrets."

On the last day your eyes sparkled just as bright as they did the day we met

I asked you why

You said

"I'm going home..."

I'll admit I was terrified as you drew in your last breath

I couldn't save you

As I held you in my arms I noticed the scars

And then I saw the pills

The same blue-green color of your beautiful eyes

Which I was never able to see again

Some would say it was suicide

But I know better

You were my best friend

You would have told me if you were sad

But as I remembered those blue-green pills

And the red of your wrists

I knew I was just lying to myself

It pained me to see you go so soon

What they didn't know was that I was going to go too

As my smile lost its sparkle and I drew in my last breath

Someone asked me where are you going

And I simply said



Author's Note

Sorry this isn't very good. It isn't as well written as I would have liked it to be, but I had this idea and I just had to get it out. I'll probably go back and edit it, but I've got like 50,000 other ideas floating around in my head and so this is what I've got so far. If you've got an idea, let me know and I'll try my best to write it. Thanks!

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