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All around us we are judged by numbers

It doesn't matter how funny, kind, or sweet I am

It's about what the tests show

What grades I get

It's about my weight on the scale

It's about my height

It's about waist size

My bra size

My age

It's never about who I am as a person

Never about all the things I'm good at

Never about how big my heart is

Although that would just add another thing to be judged about

We are judged by our wealth

Our social classification

We are judged by our grades

90% isn't good enough

My best isn't good enough

99% isn't good enough

We aren't accepted unless we are perfect

Numbers and all

I will never be perfect in society's eyes

My grades are good but they aren't amazing

Don't you care about my heart? My love for other people?

No. You don't.

Unless I'm perfect and unless it involves numbers, society doesn't give a shit

Life doesn't seem to have a direction

Your life is meaningless unless society approves it

I'm tired of living lies

I'm tired of living in a world where I can't be accepted for who I am

I'm tired of living in a world that I can't be myself in

I'm tired of living in a world where you can't get into a good college unless your grades are good

Where it doesn't matter what plans you have: to be a football player, actress, director, police officer, they will be crushed because of numbers

Life is all about numbers

When will I be good enough for you, society?

Poems About the Shattered and BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now