Chapter 1

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"Dustin!" I call from the open door way "hurry up!" Footsteps run down the stairs and my brother appears at the bottom "ok ready

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"Dustin!" I call from the open door way "hurry up!" Footsteps run down the stairs and my brother appears at the bottom "ok ready." He says pushing the straps of his bag up his shoulders. I roll my eyes and push open the door "let's go." Dustin races out, mum appears round the corner "where are you two going?" She asks, her cat in her arms.

I sigh, holding onto the door handle "out mum, it's summer." She nods smiling dreamily at me, stroking her cat "alright have fun." I smile awkwardly and close the door. Mum has been kind of out of it ever since our dad died. Even when she's here, she is never here. So I am practically raising a 10 year old on my own, which is hard enough not being a mother but also when he doesn't listen to you.

I head over to where Dustin is waiting with our bikes. Two more years and I can start driving which will make traveling from one side of town to the other. "You still heading over to Will's?" I ask my brother as we start down the road "yeah." I nod swerving on the road.

We start going through the town square, people bustling around doing their daily business. "You guys going to be playing D&D?" I ask as my brother pushes his bike beside me. It's too busy to ride them. He nods, stopping to let someone pass "we are in the middle of an amazing campaign right now." He launches into a detailed explanation about his game.

"Is that her?" I hear someone say, before "Lorelei! Hey Henderson!" Both my brother and I stop walking. I turn around and see Steve Harrington and his group of friends following us. I clutch my bike handles tightly "let's go." I mutter and start walking again.

Someone grabs my wrist and spins me around "that wasn't very nice." Steve says now face to face with me "I just wanted to have a little chat." I yank my arm out of his grip "I have somewhere to be." I say almost silently. Steve cups his ear "what? What was that? Did you say you were going to meet your freak friend Jonathan?" He pushes my shoulder, I look down at the floor.

Ignore him Lorelei. Ignore him, you have better things to do. "Dustin let's go." I say and we start walking again "bitch." I hear him call but I shake it off. My brother places a hand on my shoulder "you alright?" He asks, I smile gently and cross the road "yeah, I'm alright."


We reach the Byers' residence and Dustin knocks on the door. We wait what must be 2 minutes before the door swings open to reveal my best friend. Jonathan Byers. "Hey, Will and the others are inside." He tells my brother before his eyes land on me "hi." He breathes. I smile "hey, let's go before the movie starts." The boy shouts a quick goodbye to his mum before we both race down the hill.

"Guess who I ran into." I say as we ride our bikes next to each other, Jonathon frowns "who?" I look at him for a moment, his long-ish hair framing his face "Steve Harrington." He snorts at the sound of the name. "What did that asshole want?" He asks as we reach the movie theatre.

We climb off our bikes and padlock them so no one can steal them. As we head into the building I say "not sure, probably just to torment me. The usual." Jonathan slings his arm over my shoulder and says "well at least he couldn't torment you too much this time."

I giggle and lean into him "that's very true." I notice that he smells like soap.


The movie finishes "I'll see you later Johnny." I call out, I hear him groan and I smile "I told you not to call me that Lorri."

I ride my bike home and burst through the door "mum has the post come?" I ask, I hear a meow and then the cat appears at my feet. "Mum?" I call, making my way through the house. I find her in the living room, fast asleep on the sofa. I sigh, run a hand through my hair and take the letters from the coffee table.

Nothing for me, I throw them back down and head up to my room. I turn my light on and go over to my record player, gently I lower my Elvis Presley record on and it starts playing. I listen to it as I change for bed.

The phone rings, a high thrill. It keeps ringing, I keep thinking that mum will get it. I'm wrong. I race down the stairs and pick it up on the last ring. "Henderson Residence." I answer, I hear laughter in the background "Lorri?" It's Dustin. I lean against the wall and tuck my hand under my arm "hey." I greet more kindly then at first.

"Can I stay at Will's tonight?" I look at the clock on the kitchen wall. It reads 8:45. "Only if it's ok with Mrs Byers and you will be home by ten tomorrow." I hear him tell the others and then they cheer. I smile thankful that my brother has such good friends. A nice little group.

We end the call and I head straight back up to my room. My window is open, I frown and close it. Just as it bangs shut someone grabs my waist. I scream, turn around and hit them over the head. "Ow!" A familiar voice says "ow! It's me you idiot." I sigh and step away from him.

"Jonathan!? Seriously!? You scared the shit out of me." I cross my arms and give him my most serious look. The eldest Byers boy gives me an awkward smile "sorry." I roll my eyes and sit on my bed, it bounces slightly "it's fine."

He holds up his camera "stay right there," he says and I freeze. Jonathan loves his camera like I love my music. It's just an extension of himself. Which is why I allow because he listens to my music all the time. He takes the photo and I lay down, arms raised above my head. He takes another one. Then he comes and lays down next to me.

"You are my best friend." I say resting my head on his shoulder, he tenses at first but then relaxes "you are my best friend too." He says. I sit up and tuck my knees up to my chest "let's see the photographs then." And he shows me.

As we flick through them I smile "you are really taltented Johnny." I say he laughs awkwardly and puts his camera down "it helps that I have a good model." I smile up at him.

Just then he does something unthinkable. He leans in to me and our lips brush one another. I move away, eye wide "Jonathan what are you....?" I ask and he leaps off the bed panicked.

"I'm so sorry." He says running frantic hands through his hair "I am so so sorry." He grabs his camera and heads for the window. "Jonathan wait." I call climbing off of my bed. He doesn't wait however instead he climbs out of my window and slides down the roof to the floor. I watch as he picks his bike up, he stops and looks up "I am sorry Lorri." He says before racing away. What the hell?

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