Chapter 45

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I get taken to my new rooms, and now that I am a teacher I am to stay in the main mansion and not in the separate buildings that house the students

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I get taken to my new rooms, and now that I am a teacher I am to stay in the main mansion and not in the separate buildings that house the students. "I guess you remember when dinner is." Headmaster muses and I nod my head, clutching my bag tightly in my hand. Headmaster leaves me to get settled and I fall down instantly on my bed, covering my face with my hands. I already regret coming here so much, I want to go home. I miss Dustin and Jonathan.... and Steve. I regret not giving him my letter but now it's too late. Until I can take this institution down I won't be allowed to leave, Headmaster won't let me out of his sight now he has me where he wants me.

I sit up and go over to the window. I guess that's a good thing, the view is great. It covers most of the grounds and I see groups of students outside practising their gifts and my chest squeezes slightly. More child soldiers. A knock on the door makes me jump out of my skin. I make my way, slowly towards the door "who is it?" I called out trying to make my voice sound light. There is a moment of silence before a voice answers "headmaster has requested that I show you to dinner." I sigh and visibly relax as I open my door to reveal a man who can only be a few years older than me.

"Good I was worried that you might have already left your room and I would have to hunt to find you." He says seeming to be glad to see me. I try to give him warm smile but I'm sure it comes out more as a grimace than a smile. "You wouldn't have to, I know my way around," I say as we start towards the dining hall. This boy cocks his head to the side and studies me curiously "I've never seen you around before." He muses and I shrug innocently "I'm not surprised." I tell him honestly "I never spent much time here before now. I've always been on long missions." The boy let out a deep breath "you must have been very good then." He points out "I never was, I took the teaching post early."

I admire him for that although I don't admit it out loud and as we enter the dining hall my ears fill with the loud chatter of students. However, once they start to notice that I am here they all go silent and stare at me, and my mouth goes dry. I keep my head up and walk between the tables to the teachers, where I take a seat next to my escort at the end of the table. "Wow." He says whistling "you're kinda a big deal huh, what's your name?" I shuffle my chair closer to the table and clear my throat. "Lorelei Henderson." He almost chokes as he starts to eat his food. He wipes his mouth and stares at me with wide eyes "seriously?" He asks and I nod. He chuckles and shakes his head "you are kind of a legend around here, I didn't realise you were so young." I shrug, unsure how to take that comment.

"I didn't catch your name." I muse shovelling a piece of roasted duck into my mouth, he takes a sip of his drink before answering "Micheal. Micheal De Clemont." I tilt my head in fascination. "French." I muse and he nods. I hear someone clear their throat on the other side of Michael and a woman, probably in her mid-30s leans over so that we can make eye contact "did you just say you are the Lorelei Henderson?" She asks and I smile sweetly "I did indeed."I spear a piece of broccoli on my plate. She huffs and gives me a once over "not what I thought you'd look like." She says as a jab before sitting back. I narrow my eyes but continue with my dinner.

I was expecting some hostility considering most teachers spend their entire careers trying to earn the approval of the Headmaster however the majority are unsuccessful. Of course, I am the Headmaster's most prized possession. Strongest, quickest killer and only 2 of my kills were ever picked up by the media, mistakes I didn't repeat. I try to ignore the stares from the students as I eat my meal but their eyes seem to be burning holes in my head as they whisper about me, about my achievements. Bile rises in my throat and I am suddenly not hungry anymore, just then the Headmaster stands up and the room falls silent again.

However, this is a different kind of silence, one that commands fear rather than respect. None of the students wants to risk punishment, not when it could mean death. The Headmaster starts talking "As you all may know, our diamond, the greatest agent this Academy has ever produced. Lorelei Henderson has returned to us, she is here to take up a teaching position and will be treated with the same respect you show me." The atmosphere in the hall is tense and I am ready to find comfort under the covers of my bed. Today has been exceedingly long and I am ready to sleep.

Once the students are let out for their leisure time before lights out I stand up and make the doors. "Hey!" A familiar voice says "wait up." I stop and wait until Micheal is beside me. "Let me walk you back to your rooms." He says between slight pants and I shake my head "you really don't have to." I tell him as I move on but he ignores me and escorts me back anyway. When we are back at my rooms I open the door and turn around to face him "thank you for walking me back." I say hoping he will get the hint and leave me alone. He nods and gives me a warm smile "I'll see you tomorrow Lorelei." He says before heading off down the hall.

I sigh and move into my bedroom. I lock the door and slump down against it, on the floor. I bring my knees up to my chest as my whole body starts to tremble, I made a mistake coming back here.

A/N: Just to warn you readers, there will be a time jump between this chapter and the next. And don't think I have abandoned this story line! I have big plans for it to come into play during season 4!

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