Chapter 2

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The next day I am awoken by someone shaking me

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The next day I am awoken by someone shaking me. "Jesus alright I'm awake." I say pushing whoever it is off my bed. There is a thump as he hit the floor "ow!" I rub my eyes before leaning over my bed "Dustin?" I ask. My little brother gets up, brushing himself off "there are some people downstairs for you."

I frown throwing back the covers "people? What people?" Dustin shrugs and follows me to my bedroom door. I walk slowly down the wooden stairs, creaking under my feet. I reach the living room and there, sitting with my mum are two people in suits. One woman and one man.

"You must be Lorelei." The woman says standing up and brushing off her pants legs. "Uh yeah." I say untangling part of my hair "yeah, I'm sorry who are you?" The woman comes over and hands me a business card.

I take it and look down at it "we are from Heaven Academy." She says, I look back up at her and now the man is standing with her "I thought I didn't get in." I say honestly clutching the card. Dustin moves so he is standing with mum. The man laughs like it is some joke, I shoot him a look.

"We tell our applicants they have gotten in, in person. We find they have a better reaction." The man says calmly, I tilt my head "a better reaction to what?" The two people share a look. The woman steps forward again "we leave in 20 minutes so you should pack your things."

My eyes widen "20 minutes? We're leaving today? Right now?" They nod their heads like it is the most normal thing in the world. I shake my own head "I need to say goodbye to some people." I say my mind on Jonathan and what happened last night. He probably thinks I hate him.

The woman tucks her hands into her pockets "we can't afford any detours." She says gently "there is another person we must pick up." I look over at my mum and brother, both looks confused and heartbroken. I move over to them, ignoring the strange people in suits.

"Lorri, why didn't you tell us you were applying to some boarding school?" Mum asks tears rolling down her face. I kneel down and wipe away the tear, I lean over and clutch Dustin's hand "honestly." I say "it was a long shot I would get in. But they have an amazing science program. I believe it will be good for me."

The man clears his throat and I throw another glare his way. "I'll be back for summer. And Christmas. It's only until Senior year anyway." They nod and I stand up. Still clutching Dustin's hand I ask "would you like to help me pack?" He nods and slowly we make it back up the stairs.

"What about your record collection?" Dustin asks as I finish putting my hair products in my suitcase. I turn to look over my shoulder "what?" I ask, he holds up my Elvis record "are you taking your records?" I hesitate, unsure. Will there be a record player there? Will I be able to listen to music?

I shake my head, turning back to my case "uh, no you can have them." Under his breath Dustin says "yes, finally." I smile. I then stretch my back and ask "hey, can you hand me my photo album." He nods picking it up from my vanity.

He hands it to me and says "what's in that album anyway?" I open it and flick through the pages. I sigh, shutting it again and throwing it in the case "lots of things." I answer zipping the case up. "Right you gonna help me take this downstairs or what?" Dustin nods and leaps straight into action.

We manage to get my purple suitcase down the stairs with a little effort. Ok a lot of effort. For the man in the suit to just pick it up casually and head for the car. "Asshole." I mutter grumpily, the woman stops at the front door and turns to face me "five minutes." She says "then we really have to go."

I nod and watch her disappear out the door. Then they are on me. I hug my mum and brother close. I close my eyes and soak them both in "I'm going to miss you so much." I say kissing them both on the tops of their heads "I'll be back before you know it."

Dustin is crying, I don't realise I am too until a few drops fall onto my hand. I smile and wipe my eyes "hey." I say kneel in front of him "hey, no tears ok?" He nods "I'm not going away for ever. When i come back you are going to be so grown up you won't need me anymore. You'll find me annoying."

He laughs and I smile gently. I stand back up and head for the door. I want to turn around but I don't. It will only make this more difficult.


On the ride to the school we stop outside a house. This time in Tennessee. I've never been here before, it looks strange, like it could be home but something about it is off.

"Stay here." The man says roughly. The first thing he has said to me the whole ride. I watch as the two adults climb out of the car and up to the door. They disappear inside the house and stay there for a good half an hour before they appear.

A dark haired boy follows them out, his eyes land straight on me with a smirk. Once in the car he turns to me "Richard Wells." He holds out his hand, I shake is hesitantly "Lorelei Henderson." He raises his dark eyebrows and sits back "Lorelei? That's a unique name." I refrain from rolling my eyes.

"Better then Richard." I mutter folding my arms and looking out of the window.

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