Chapter 46

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My first class is standing in front of me

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My first class is standing in front of me. A group of 16-year-olds, only 2 years younger than me. "Can someone please tell me what you've covered already so I don't start teaching something you already know?" I demand calmly, the students all looking at one another. Before a brave individual, a blonde girl whose hair is in pigtails answers "we've covered pistols, single-shot firearms and we were just about to move on to..." She is cut off by a guy standing a few people away from her. "I heard you have the highest kill count of anyone in the Academy." He says crossing his arms "you are only a few years older than us, how?" I sigh and tilt my head slightly.

"So you've covered most of the guns," I say ignoring the boy "although we should wait to do revolvers, too much gun work will confuse you." The boy who spoke earlier clears his throat "I asked you a question professor." My eyes snap to him and he shrinks slightly under my gaze. I raise an eyebrow and say to no one in particular "I guess we can start hand-to-hand." There is silence as the students wait for me to direct them. The boy who has been speaking out of turn, whispers something to another student so I call out "you, the boy with the big mouth. Thank you for volunteering." I signal with my hand.

He smirks as he pushes through the group of students and stands opposite me. "Just fight me how you think you should. Afterwards, I will go through what you did wrong." I explain like a good teacher, the boy scoffs but then launches himself towards me. So predictable. So I grab his arm and twist him around, pushing him to the ground. He scrambles to his feet so I take this opportunity to throw a punch at him, he doesn't see it so I punch him square in the jaw. He stumbles back a few paces and grabs his nose.

He throws himself at me again but I dodge him and trip him up, as I do I catch his throat and he falls flat on his back. Winded. He doesn't get up and gives up.  I lean over him menacingly "what's your name?" I ask and between pants, he answers "Louis." I nod and offer a hand to help him up. He takes it and as he stands I reply "well Louis, that was awful so now." I turn to the rest of the class "do you know what he did wrong?" Multiple hands shoot up.

Later that day I have some free time before dinner and I am using that to start investigating my takedown. Of course, this whole operation starts at the top but the Headmaster won't make it easy to get to him, especially if he is suspicious. Of course, that combined with his real right hand, Margret Harkness who can read minds, will make it impossible to reach him. This is why I am currently studying Margret's daily patterns while figuring out a way to get rid of her. Naturally, Headmaster would notice if she just suddenly disappeared so I can't just kill her. I could maybe convince her to leave but that is very risky. This plan is going to take a long time to become anything.

I turn the corner a little after Margret and I watch as she stops in front of a door. She knocks on the door gently before it opens and she disappears inside. I move towards the door and press my ear against it. "Have you done what I asked?" I hear the Headmaster ask, and my heart rate picks up. "Yes, Headmaster." Margret replies "I looked into it and found some interesting stuff." There is a pause "gone on" He says and I can almost imagine the expression on his face right now. "I found that when you combine...." Before I can hear the rest of it however I hear someone call my name down the hallway.

"Lorelei?" I snap my head and see Micheal standing at the other end of the corridor. I smile lightly, trying to cover for myself "Micheal, thank god!" I say sounding relieved "I guess I didn't remember this place as well as I thought I did." Micheal looks surprised but meets me halfway. "I guess being away for a long time does that." He says and I nod my head. "Fancy a walk down to the lake before dinner?" He asks and I groan "I've missed that lake so much, yes let's go."

At dinner later that evening I try to keep my thoughts on something else but it keeps going back to the conversation I overheard. I need to figure out what Margret and the Headmaster are investigating because I have a feeling it might help me take them down.

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