Chapter 50

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I don't hear anything for the next several hours

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I don't hear anything for the next several hours. Which I think makes me feel more insane than if I were to hear what was going on, it allows my imagination to run wild. Anything could be happening to Steve and Robin right now, they aren't trained like I am in the ways of torture. They'll crumble quickly and in pain. I need to get out of here. I pull at the bounds on my wrists, wriggling my hands to make them loose. My legs are also bound, but there is no way to free them without freeing my hands.

I lean down and use my teeth to loosen the knot, I pull the rope with my teeth and the knot falls apart. Sighing I quickly untie the other on my wrist before untying my feet. Once I am free I leap up and head for the door. Before I can open it however someone else does. It's the man from earlier "ah I see you got free." He muses giving me a smirk. I walk backwards, he stalks towards me "it seems like you have made your choice, let's go." He grabs my arm. I stay silent and let him lead me down several hallways.

We finally reach the room and he pushes me inside. I instantly catch sight of Steve and Robin sitting back to back in the middle of the room. "Lori!" Steve shouts when he sees me, blood is dripping from his nose. I snap my head to our capture "what did you do to them?" He smirks again, seemingly satisfied "I gave them something to make them more... pliable." While I am distracted they take the opportunity to stick a needle into my arm, I hiss at the unexpected pain of it. My body goes numb.

"You touch one hair on either of their heads." I warn calmly "and I will remove your headroom your shoulders." Anger is pulsing through me as well as shame. I have the power to protect them and I haven't, they still ended up here, under torture and I am frozen in place unable to help them. "Now." The man in charge says turning back to me "kill them. Or I will kill you." He places a gun in my hand. They start shaking. I lock eyes with him "why do you want them dead so badly?" I ask and he shrugs, circling the two of them before answering "they know where we are, they know what we are doing. We can't have that. They don't have the same training as you do Miss Henderson. I just don't know who they would tell."

My heart is hammering out of my chest and I raise the gun pointing it at Steve's head. "Hey! Lori, what are you doing?" He asks slurring his words "I thought you liked me." I sigh, hands trembling and a pit in my stomach. "I do like you Steve, that's why I have to do this." I take the safety off of the gun and suck in a breath. Then I shoot the guard behind him.

There is commotion and the guards try to grab my arms however I shot another one before realising the gun is empty. "Shit." I curse under my breath before throwing a punch at another man who falls backwards into his friend. "Seize her!" The captain orders and more guards come at me. I throw my hands up expecting to have power seep out of me and attack the men but it doesn't. Whatever was in that needle must have blocked my powers. Oh well, I survived before them I can survive without them now. I manage to grab the general's gun and point it at him without even blinking I send two shots into his head.

"Lori?" A voice says behind me, I whirl around and see Dustin with Erica standing in the doorway. My brother looks shocked, a mixture of scared and confused. "Dustin," I say quietly before Robin clears her throat and I shake my thoughts from my head. "We need to get them out of here." I say moving towards the cart that was in one of the corners of the room "none of us can carry them so we will have to transport them in this." Dustin and Erica unbind Steve and Robin before we pile them into the bottom of the cart.

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