Chapter 28

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That creature killed and is now feasting on our cat in Dustin's bedroom

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That creature killed and is now feasting on our cat in Dustin's bedroom. We locked it in there and he is staying in my room tonight. "You good down there?" I ask peering down at Dustin lying on the floor, he has his duvet and pillow "all good." I lay down and turn out the lamp at my beside side. "Thanks for letting me stay in here Lorri." I hear Dustin say, I am curled on my side. My eyes trailing on where the scar from where I cut myself last year should be. "You're my brother Dustin, I'm not going to sacrifice you to some creature" I say "until you do something to piss me off."


"Dusty, baby you're sure she's not in your room?" Mum asks my brother the next morning, coming in from calling the cat outside. Dustin is currently on the phone and I shake my head "I checked yesterday and Dustin checked again. He isn't in there, we promise." I say and mum looks a little heartbroken. "mhm, mhm." Dustin says as though he is speaking to someone on the other end of the phone when the reality is that he isn't "thank you so much Mr McCorkle. Thank you so much." and he puts the phone down.

Dustin spins around to face the two of us "all right, great news." He says and mum grabs a hold of my arm "they found her?" She asks, tears in her eyes. "No." Dustin says stepping forward "but they saw her wandering around Loch Nora." mum starts properly crying then and lets her hand drop. "How did the poor baby get all the way out there?" She asks through sobs and I shrug "I don't know. Lost, I guess but they're gonna look for her. And we'll stay here in case they call again. And you're gonna go help look? Yeah?"

Mum nods and embraces the two of us before she leaves."Right. Let's go." I say smacking my brother up the side of the head. We open the doors to the outdoor cellar we haven't used since before I was born and Dustin gets out protective gear. "What about you?" He asks as we reach his bedroom door, I shake my head and gesture to the door "don't worry about me." Dustin and I have dropped pieces of meat in a line towards the cellar hoping that it will be enough to trick the creature.

"Ready?" I ask grabbing hold of the door handle and Dustin nods silently. I suck in a breath before opening the door. The creature,Dart, races from the room, roaring in anger at the two of us locking him in there. Dustin races from the house and towards the cellar while I stay perfectly still until Dart runs after him.

Dart follows our little trap laid out for him up until he spots Dustin hiding in the wooden shed outside our house. I watch from inside the house as Dustin charges at the creature with his hockey stick, the creature backs away caught off guard before my brother knocks him into the cellar. I race outside and help him secure the doors shut.

"I'm sorry." Dustin says lying on top of the doors "you ate my cat." Panting I keep my feet firmly planted on the doors and look around us. "Go and find something so we can secure the doors." I order and Dustin sighs "why have I always got to do all the heavy lifting?" He grumbles getting up and brushing off his pants. "Because." I say gritting my teeth against Dart pushing the door "you could never hold this by yourself." He throws up his middle finger which I return before he goes to find something to lock the creature in our cellar.


As Dustin and I are burying our dead cat he tries to communicate with his friends which isn't working. "Guys, it's Dustin again." He says into the microphone which is connected to his radio. "does anyone cope? This is a code red. I repeat, a code red!" No one answers and we finish burying the animal. I nudge my brothers shoulder "let's go clean up inside." I say and he follows me towards the house.

"I really need someone to to pick up here." Dustin says into his radio as I dig around in the cupboard under the skin for cleaning supplies. "Hopper's MIA, and I've got a code red. Code red!" He repeats as I throw him some of the supplies.

As we are cleaning the carpet he asks me "how do you know how to get blood out of the carpet so well?" I shrug, keeping my eyes on the floor and the red stain that is slowly fading "brother who has always been clumsy." I muse casually "and there were lots of fights at the academy we had to cover up." Not strictly true but true enough. Dustin then tries his friends again "this is Dustin again." He sounds fed up now as we scrub the carpet "seriously, I have a code red."

Just then Dustin's head raises as someone speaks back to him through his headset "Erica?" He asks "Erica, is Lucas there? Where is he?" another pause as he waits for his friends little sister to answer, I am sure with lots of attitude. "Is he with Mike?" He stutters questioningly, now stopping cleaning completely. "Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him that I have a code-" But Erica cuts him off and he smiles "code red exactly."

Dustin groans and I look up "look." I say "I've got this here, why don't you try and locate some of your friends?" He looks down at the bloody carpet "are you sure?" he asks gently and I nod. "You are clearly worried, it's fine." He smiles before racing off.

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