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"Mr. Styles, my daddy says we're a family of atheists. I don't think I belong in church." Daisy whispers and draws a tiny flower on her thigh with a pen she found on the dashboard.

Harry's hand reaches for his crotch and he repositions himself. "I don't care what" He stops, "your daddy" he swallows, "thinks about God."

Daisy stops drawing and looks up at him. "What's wrong sir?" She asks sweetly, motioning to the hand on his crotch.

He almost can't take this side of her. She's genuinely innocent and naive enough to ask such a thing. "Sometimes you say stuff that makes me very happy." He explains as vaguely as he can to protect her innocence.

"You weren't so happy two minutes ago. You yelled at me" Daisy flicks the pen onto the dashboard and examines the small drawing on her thigh.

Mr. Styles looks at the road with furrowed brows. "If you care about someone, you will discipline them." he quotes the Bible. Daisy rolls her eyes and scoffs.

Harry's gaze is now on her, "You're being a little brat." He states angrily. Daisy sighs.

"You're mean." She mumbles. Harry pulls the car over. He turns to face her completely.

She brings her legs down from the dashboard and sits up straight, ready for a challenge. She chews her pink gum obnoxiously. "Behave Daisy." Mr. Styles scolds and holds out his hand in front of her mouth. She looks at him and then to his palm. She slowly takes his large hand in hers and puts his index finger in her mouth.

Her lips wrap around it and she swirls her tongue around it. Harry's face expressions are hard and bold. His eyebrows are furrowed as ever.

With her tongue she sticks the gum to his finger and then lets go of his hand, making it pop out of her mouth.

"Mr. Styles?" She whispers.

"Yeah?" He replies, flicking the gum out of the window.

She grips a strand of hair between her index finger and thin thumb.
"Am I your sugar baby?"

The pair never went to church, Mr. Styles was too hot and bothered to think about God. He brought her home but stopped the car three houses away from hers, to make sure they wouldn't get seen together.

"Daddy?" Daisy was on her fathers bed looking through his old novels and making shapes with her fingers on the dust that layered the books. Her dad hums in response as he folds clean laundry.

"Are you still angry with Ethan?" She asks and runs her finger over the notes that her father had made on almost empty pages of the book. "No. But Ethan is a smart young man and should know better than the way he's behaving at the moment." His low voice mumbles.

Daisy now looks at him. His grey hair was cut short and he was growing a slight beard. They didn't look anything alike. But Ethan and Lewis were almost the same person.

Daisy's gaze falls back down to the book she's holding. She crosses her legs and rests her back against the wall, "What is Ethan doing that's so bad?"

Now it was Lewis' turn to look up at her. His furrowed brows made him look strict. "That's none of your concern, Daisy" He replies sternly.

She closes the book and sits up straight. "I don't like being left out, I wanna know." She pleas.

"No. Go take care of dinner dear, I'm busy." He orders.

Daisy MoonWhere stories live. Discover now