1. Beginning

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1 person's pov_________

Right now you were making a straight face, but you really dont know how to deal with your excitement, I mean you can practically see the passion, when pigsy rolls the dough of his noodles. Not to mention the smell of spices coming from the kitchen. After the whole shock of what had happend you dont know what to say! "Hey kid, whats wrong, you have been sitting and looking around all crazy" shit I should probably say something. "Yeah, sorry about that pigsy I just wanna know..... what... type of noodles you are making?" You did not execute that lie. Pigsy was looking at you with that look a parent always gives. "Whatever you say kid... just go do some deliveries, the customers don't have all day" right i work here, stepping of the stool and making your way out side. You grab some of the many orders, and the keys to the truck. You say your final goodbyes to the pig demon inside the shop, and head out. As soon as you knew he could not hear you, you let out a noise of excitement. Yessss I finally shifted, and I am here. Letting out a little victory dance you head to the drivers truck. You grab the keys, hop in the car and put the keys in the car, you twist the keys starting the truck up. Hearing the sweet sounds of the engine starting. The nice noise of the engine slowly humming in a steady beat, is your go to signal to drive. The show really stayed true to how pretty the city was, the vibrant colors and flashing neon signs. Driving along the city you find the nearest order on your deliveries, tapping it on the GPS. Now thinking about it, I don't know when Mk is going to get his staff. I should probably ask him later, but like in a descrete way? How do you do that without making him skeptical. How are you going to ask, just by going 'hey have you met the monkey king yet?' Or 'did you receive a magic object known as the monkey kings staff?'
I kinda want to be netrual and in the sidelines, cause ain't no way I'm going to get physical and actually fight. I come out of my train of thoughts when I hear the GPS, saying I have reached the destination. Parking the truck you make sure the order is right, and then head to the door knocking on it.

A lady opened and you did what you needed to do, the normal delivery man stuff. Heading back to your parked truck you enter so you can continue your long work day ahead. You don't know when you turned on your minds auto pilot, but it just kinda happend. Before you knew it, the day was over and you had completely forgotten, to ask Mk about the staff situation. With a sigh you drive the truck home, watching the sunset in the horizon. The many warm colors in the sky gave the city a whole new look, you could honstly get used to this. All the oranges blends well with the random purples and other colors in megapolis. This reminds you of those sci-fi cities you would always see in those "future" movies. You finally made it to the shop getting ready to stop for the night. Although it just hit you, you don't know where you live, atleast you would guess it was where Mk also lived. It would be awesome if you did, well except for the whole wall ordeal that is going to happen. Well now you need to come up with a sly way to ask where the fuck you live. You decided it would be easier if you just went in and waited until someone would ask when you would leave. Great idea in your opinion, cause then you could say you felt uneasy going home alone. Walking into the shop you greet pigsy "Hey pigsy, I'm done delivering today, say... you don't know where Mk is do you?" strolling over to the bar table, so you could look over into the kitchen. Pigsy was cleaning his stove, when you looked at how deep in focus he was, he probably hadn't heard what you said. Would it be okay if i interrupted his focus? That was all you could think of at the moment. Fuck it, the only thing bad that could happen would be an angry pigsy, actually... that sounds terrifying. Welp you could deal with the consequences later. "YO! Pigsy" almost jolting out of his daze, he turns around quickly with an alerting gaze, that finally lands on you. If looks could kill, you would be well not dead but in the ER. "What is it kid?" He half shouted that sentence, but let's not think about that. "Well... I just wanted to say hi and ask where Mk is?..." you really did not want to get killed right now or get a scolding. "Mk?? He is up in your shared apartment, just got home from the arcade, that kid forgot to do alot of orders again" you could hear the irration in his voice at the end. "Thanks pigsy, see ya tomorrow and goodnight" beginning to head upstairs, you can hear pigsy saying a goodnight as well. "Yo Mk, what are you up to?" You weren't even past the door before you were almost tackled to the ground by a really excited brunette. "(Y/N)! You have got to hear this, tang just told me about a new adventure of THE monkey king!" Then Mk went on and on about the new story he had heard from tang, who probably just wanted free noodles. Seeing Mk up close was weird, not like he was ugly, he just wasn't a lego anymore. You could get used to this, it was honstly nice to listen to Mk and his stories. "DONT YOU THINK THATS COOL?" You hadn't even noticed his change in volume before now. "Yeah that's really cool Mk" this somehow made the boy smile even more than before. "Heard you were at arcade, how did it go?" You asked plopping down on what you assumed was your bed, since it didn't look like Mk's in the show. "It was fun! Well I kinda forgot to do a few ordes-" raising a eyebrow while looking at him quickly made him change his wording "Okay! Maybe alot, but I know you got my back.. right?" He was looking more nervous now, probably wanting to know whether or not you also took atleast some of his orders. If you were being honest, you were on auto mode most of the time. There were no orders left when you were done, so you would assume that you did also take his orders. "Always bro, but idk if pigsy won't notice, he did say you missed some" you could see him relax his posture more, after finding out pigsy might not give him a good scolding tomorrow. "Thanks (y/n), you are always the person I can come to" smiling at his words you decide to head to bed for the night. You have alot ahead of you.

1214 words

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