3: Chilling filling

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Quick info:
F/c = favorite color
This is a long chapter :)

It was nice to know everything did not happen at once, so no bad weather for a few more days, probably. You havent really figured out the whole time zone, and to be quite frank you don't care. As long as you can spend more time with them before it all breaks loose, then you would be happy. Right now you were chilling in you, and Mk's shared apartment, it was getting more homey than before you when you just arrived. Maybe I should buy some plants was the first idea that came to mind, I mean plants never hurt anybody. It would be nice with some green in this place. You did have time off, so why not? Getting off your bed to do your plan. Taking the keys with you, you lock the door behind you.  You haven't really taken into thought that you did not know any store that sold plants. 'Lets google maps this shit' always use the trusty Google maps if in need.
Tapping in plants on Google maps you got you over 10+ suggestions, deciding on the first atleast 4 star and getting ready with the gps. Starting the scooter that you fortunately found ebay, for almost no money. Thank goodness that people throw away almost new stuff, or try to sell it. Mei did want to buy a new one for you, but you didn't have the heart to accept the offer. Mei might be really rich, but I don't want to use any of her money unless necessary. The quick flash of something, it definitely had a darker color pattern, different splashes of red, and black. Moving on from the weirdly shaped bird or something... anyways didn't matter you were almost at your stop. The flower shop? Or well plant shop, is what you would call it. The variety of plants spread to even the outside, upon entering you could almost feel all the plants. It definitely gave an earthy aroma, beside the diffrent smells of the many flowers in the shop. 'What should I get' looking at all the flowers, the colors were all so diffrent. Maybe red? I mean Mk does have that red bandana then he could match with the plant, that would be hilarious. Yeah you were definitely getting a red plant, maybe a f/c too. Picking up two of the flowers of preferred color, you head to the counter.  Ringing the plants up, the cashier asks " cash or credit ?" Smiling you answer " cash thank you" handing the money over to pay, you put the plants in your bag and walk out of the colorfull store. This was going to be such a nice surprise, can't wait to see Mk's reaction when he sees the matching plants. Maybe I should call Mei and tell her about the suprise? Maybe even buy a plant to represent her aswell. Yeah that could work. Taking out the phone from your right pocket, you enter your password. Finding Mei in your contacts, tapping on the FaceTime icon.


-heyy y/n, whats up?
- guess what!
- did you fall on your scooter?
- i- what? No I got matching plants for me and Mk and I was wondering, if maybe I should buy a green one to resemble you?
-awwww y/n, what a nice thought. But can it be a cactus? Yk how mk is with plants sometimes.
- ok, wait what about me??
- uups there is a really bad connection
The rest of Mei's talking consists of badly "cut" words an poorly made static noise until she hung op. 'Damn I just got humbled' welp time to buy any form of cacti. Placing the two already bought plants into the little container, thats build inside the seat of the scooter. You take the seat and close it like a lid. Heading back to the shop, you enter quicker than before wanting the trip to be quick, 'now where is the cacti section' walking around the shop you finally found them. 'Star catus' reading the tekst on the little white label. The little cacti had pretty white dots, shaped around the green base nicely.  A pretty catus for a pretty friend. Taking one of the star cactus off the shelf you head to the counter again. "Haven't i seen you before" the cashier looked slightly confused upon seeing you once again today, laughing slightly on the cashier confusion "Sorry I forgot to buy a catus" your voice sounded more nervous in the end. 'Don't make this awkward y/n dont make this akward' ".99" the worker said. "What?" "5.99" oh... she was talking about the money. "Right here" handing the money you head out again. Except someone was by you scooter, who would go close to someone's scooter. " Hello again bright eyes, crazy how we run into eachother" this man just said that.  'huh'  oh it was the one and on macaque. Trying to stop the creeping blush that was spreading on your cheeks, you try your best not to formulate too much information, so you won't give away future events "macaque y-" "how do you know my name" his eyes narrow, god they were beautiful. That golden hue, and the were looking more confused now. "Sorry what did you say?" His brows furrowed " are you okay kid? I was asking how you knew my name" he was a skilled actor you will give him that " right, I kinda knew you already from tales?" You said, here comes the nervousness again. "Oh.. so you know me" his voice was more monotone now, his voice nirmally sounded more nice. " yes! Well... no? Don't remember much of it hehe, but something about helping monkey king? Cool to finally meet a hero!" This was a lie you knew very well of him, but let's hope it will save you from more investigation. His eyes looked irritated "no, me and the king don't talk no more, and I wouldn't call myself a hero, more a warrior" smiling  you respond " Yeah warrior is a good word" shifting in your spot you look up at him again he was blocking the way to your scooter. "Was there a reason you came here macaque, I kinda need to hurry home with my plants" trying to walk past him you, he moves his body standing in your way. This was so exciting, but you had to keep it together. "You look at me weirdly, you don't think I see it bright eyes?" OK this is becoming one of those cheesy scenes, where the main character gets stopped from what they are doing. If that was the case you wouldn't mind it too much, macaque was one of your favorites. "Sorry? I'm getting used to the whole magic monkey exists" he looked amused at your answers " Well get used to it kid, I ain't leaving in a loooong time"  his mouth growing a grin, showing off his fangs.  " you wanna hangout with me?" You teased, hopefully he wouldn't talk to Mk before episode 9, but Mk is out doing orders and you would love to talk to macaque, 'i wonder what he wants from me though'. He probably has a bigger plan but, you wouldn't want to worry to much about it. "No, I am going to hang out with you" macaque responds, his easy demeanor was rubbing off on you, you definitely weren't as nervous as before. Laughing at the seriousness that came in his voice. "Alright then, give me two seconds" moving beside macaque, you put the remaining plant in with the others. "Hop on macaque!" You say smiling, his eyes held a beamused glint " isn't that a little dangerous?" Extending you hand so he could hop on you think of the best answer for the noirette. " only if you drive bad" giggling at the end. "Alright kid" with that said, he stepped closer. In one swift movement he was beside you on the scooter. Giving a side smile to him you begin the scooter engine. " better hold on tight fuzzy" and then you were off, the sound of the engine slightly altering whatever mutter macaque was doing. He probably wasn't happy about the nickname, but it was whatever, he called you bright eyes. Shifting your attention, you notice his hands had slowly crept around you, you wondered if he ever had tried to drive on a scooter. "First time?" You ask, focusing on the road again so you wouldn't end up crashing, for now you were heading home. Its the best option since Mk is out all day. " let's just say I like walking better" humming in response to his answer, you continue your route home. "You ok with coming to my house?" You ask him. " wow bright eyes, very straight forward there" he was smirking you could feel it, that sneaky little monkey. "No! Not like that, I just don't know where else you wanna hang, I mean we could go to the arcad-" you were caught off by a Loud laugh " I'm kidding! Yeah I'm okay with your house" good, because you weren't going to see if he could beat you in a game. Your pride would die from another loss, Mei and Mk are like beasts in theese games. You don't really know what you would do once you got home with macaque, probably place the plants and then make tea or something. Then you could chat, get him to know you. The city looked as high tech as ever, and right now there was red light. "So kid, why are you inviting a stranger into your house, isn't that a little naive?" The lights turn yellow, starting the engine. " Well you are a warrior, so I think im going to trust you" that was a lie, you know he wanted something, but his company made the facade okay. You would hang out with him for a while, and hope he won't hurt your friends. You know he will eventually, it was beginning to hurt knowing what was going to happen. Those thoughts in the back of your head were getting louder, but hey it was going to be a long time before that happend, so I was going to make the most of it. Green light, stepping the speeder you drive off. " we are almost there macaque, do you like tea?" You ask, there was some silence, before you could hear macaque answer you " Yeah, tea sounds nice kid"

Turning your scooter, you can almost see pigsy's noodles. " I live right there" you say pointing at the little shop you know as your home. " you live in a noodles shop?" Laughing at his confusion, he is probably thinking you sleep on the floor or something. " Dont get the wrong idea, I have an apartment together with my roommate on the top floor of it" hearing a hum from him as a confirmation that he had heard your answer. Parking your scooter next to the noodles shop, you jump off or try to atleast, macaques hands was still around your torso. " you okay macaque? We are at our stop" Suddenly you can feel his breath on your neck, he was moving his head. Now you could feel pressure on your right shoulder, he strongly smelled like plums. "I'm good, what about you bright eyes"
Y/n.exe stopped responding.


'What!!?!?' Scrambling out of macaques grasp, you can already feel your blush burning you skin " what was that for!?"  Macaque had probably one of the smugest looks you had seen before. "  I don't know what your talking about y/n" batting his eyes at you, as if he hadn't even been basically hugging you from behind. "What ever, just come with me" you say walking to the door. "Wait how do you know my name?" You were going to look him in the eyes, but he wasn't behind you anymore. Instead was another similar looking black haired human. "I heard another person say it" the man had macaques voice, and eyes same black hair color. "Eh... who are you" the handsome man only laughed at your complete confused state 'rude' . "You are more clever than that, it's me macaque just in disguse. Not all humans are to happy about ancient demons" fair point, shrugging you continue your way to your room, with a demon? On your trails. The door was still locked, a good sign that Mk wasent here yet. Turning your keys the door opens, showing you the room was just like you left it."make your self at home, I am going to make some tea and be back quickly, that bed is mine" pointing your finger at the f/c bedstand.

Walking back to the door, you head to the kitchen. It would be nice if pigsy still had that mint taste.

Macaques pov __________________

God they were naive, looking around their room i can see my Suspicion was correct, they do live with the monkey kings successor. This is perfect to spy on the kid, maybe find something on him. I am not going to confront him just yet, I need a plan. The room looked nice though, other than all of that monkey king junk.

Maybe they knew something about him, it was honstly beginning to be funny to see their reactions. We have only met twice but both times they tried to flee, their skin is soft compared to mine. I have to find something, wait what is that?

Readers pov________________

You were just done with the tea, and was currently heading back to the little apartment. The stairway was awfully quiet, it almost was like you were alone, why must macaque be so stealthy. Opening your door you see the familiar noirette nicely sat on your bed, beside him is... your sketchbook!? You can only hope he havent looked at it. Making an excuse to get it away, is what you needed to do " what a mess let me just"  placing the tea on the small white table, you move over to where macaque is and take the sketchbook placing it gently under your bed. "Do you want sugar in your tea" you ask macaque, looking up at his golden eyes. "Yeah, that would be nice only one cube though" standing up from your spot, begin to prepare the tea for the two of you. Putting in the sugar to his tea, you then take the cup handing it to macaque "thank you" he says, humming in response as a your welcome, you begin making your own preferred mix of tea. Sitting down with the newly made drink, you taste it to confirm the flavor is just right. Looking at your companion, you realise he was already looking at you. "So macaque, what do you do now? Work wise" macaque looked dazed, maybe he was thinking.

"Yooooo, macaque you there?" You ask, he has just been sitting, keeping a stare towards his lap. "Macaque!" Jolting back to life he stares at you, his face changing from  knitted brows to a relaxed grin, after finding out where he was. "Who is dying kid?" He teased. Raising a brow at his words you reply "well you have been staring at your lap for a while just wondering what happend" macaque moves slightly in his seat " i actually forgot i needed to do something, lets hang out some other time okay" he smiles at you and begin walking out of your door " okay then macaque see you soon then" he gives you a side smile " yeah, just remember your plants. 'My plants?' That was when you realized it,  you had forgotten to take the plants out of your scooters compartment, before you could say thank you, the man talking was gone. Running down your staircase you hope that there is some god, so your plants wont be dead.

2658 words

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