4: bad weather

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The plants weren't the best condition but after a few days they looked okay again. Mk was very happy for the change in scenery, he was out on Sandy's boat today. You were chilling and bored, what should you do on such a nice day, stay inside? Probably you got nothing else to do, but staring at the ceiling probably wasn't the best for your sanity. Then an idea came to mind, why not check out the weather station and see it before redson takes over. Actually that would be great, then you can get a better layout of it all. Would be great so the others won't catch you lacking on the buildings layout. Pulling yourself up, you head to the door, locking as always. This was going to be fun, its been some boring few days doing basic work for pigsy, with the few boozts of hanging out with Mk and Mei, to keep the morale up. It's been fun, you wonder where macaque went. Maybe he is getting his lantern, or maybe he already has it. Maybe if you befriend him enough he will show one of his shadow puppet shows, well without sucking you into the lantern. Oh well enough daydreaming, you had made it to the weather station somehow without dying. And you needed a place to park your scooter, probably the only bad thing about a big city, almost no parking space where you need it. Welp after some time you finally found that sweet spot for your scooter to park, it also wasn't too far away from the station. Parking the scooter, you head down the road, so you could see that great weather station megapolis had. I bet my scooter on they have a winter section, or just a snowy area. A little snow never hurt anybody, and it would be nice to get some heat off you body. Today was quite hot, well every day was a warm temperature, but today it was extra strong heat. Entering the building you were hit by the sweet aircondition. There were also a bunch of sections, you of course heading to the winter section. It had snow, and was cold just not extremely cold. That was what you had thought it was going to be, it was a pleasant suprise on your part. The next thing you noticed, was the trees. If you weren't looking carefully then you probably wouldent notice the small movement in the pixels, but the trees were definitely a hologram. It was amazing how realistic they had made them though. Now with the whole atmosphere, you thought you might as well do something ' I could make a snowman' Great idea y/n! And so you went on your mission to make the first part of the body. Unfortunately not even half way done, you begin to hear a ruckus happening. What could that possibly be.... looking away from your snowy wonderland, you contemplate on whether or not to investigate. You could always just leave your snowman for a awhile, plus it might be someone in danger. Then it was decided, you were going to investigate, what if someone needed help.

It was beginning to be a bit chilly anyway, walking slowly to make as little sound as possible. I mean what if something dangerous was happening, your stealth was not the greatest considering the snows crunch with every step you took. Atleast if you fell then you wouldn't take a huge fall, it would alarm whatever perpetrator that was making the noise. Then a screen on the section started to glitch, soon enough all the screens showed a familiar redhead. You didn't really listen, it was something about using nature's power to return his father's powers or something. You already knew what he was going to say, and you did not like being in the building that has been taken over. Red son probably didn't know who you were so maybe you could sneak out? That would be the best plan. Being tied up isn't something you would like to do at the moment. The temperature had become extremely cold now, it was definitely Red son that has been doing this. You need to head out quicker, else you might get trapped in the snowstorm. The wind had also picked up, you could feel the air brushing against you. It was almost as if it was urging you to stop and just stay. You had other plans, also it was not a good idea to get a cold. Luckily you made it out of the section alive, unfortunately you were spotted by a bull clone just as you got out. The clone came charging at you, and the only thing you do was stand there. Your face looking at the bull with an 'are you serious?' Face, the bull clone was soon on top of you. Of course you being the person that you are, you decided to fight back. The heavy bull clone was on top of you, and was moving around trying to tie your hands. That's when you decided to pounce, pushing the metal bull to the side with such force that it smashed into a wall. The bull seemed unresponsive against the wall, so with one last glance, you began to run the fuck away. Fuck being discrete, they had already spotted you, and no way where you getting tied up today. A set of bull clones ahead of you began their chase downwards and you had to think quick. Looking around while moving you spot a semi tall potted plant, the plant looked healthy and durable. That could work, running a beeline to the plant, you take it in both hands and smash two of the bull clones ahead of you. The last two, tried to take both you hands. Keyword, tried. Before they could move any closer you had already half kicked one of them, and then set off. That kick hurt, you were not ready for the metal, it was probably gonna get a bruising later but that was a future you problem. Maybe you should train more, your breathing was beginning to become uneven, and a break was needed soon. Seeing another semi tall plant, you decide to hide behind it while catching your breath. Breathing in fast, trying to even out the air flow. There it was again some wierd ruckus, you would assume that it was Mk "fighting" right now. The sound wasn't to far away, only by a few meters, maybe you could investigate. Taking a few slow steps you head down the previous path you were taking. Slowly you could hear the voices more loudly, something about redson thought he could smell garbage. Carefully you made your way around th corner of the main room, hiding in one of the many bushes while Mk and red son had their whole argument. It resulted in Sandy's Chakra apparently being realigned wrong and a Mei with a head injury, only for Mk to be blasted out if the building "apparently the garbage takes itself out now" he boasted, if you weren't lazy, you would definitely have tried to fight him. Maybe red son could read minds or maybe he had killer instincts because as if he just had read your thoughts, he looked up from where he was looking and directly at you. A stern gaze written all over his face " you know I don't like it when people stare" he said "who the are you talking to?" Questioned pigsy searching around the room to find whoever the fire demon was trying to communicate with. "Well since you peasants must know, I was talking to the person in those bushes" he pointed at your bush 'that little snitch' now you would have to go outside of this bush. "Well, do you plan on moving yourself, or should I do it myself bush human?" Grumbling a bit to yourself you hesitantly go slowly through the bush. "Y/n?? What are you doing here!?" Asked Mei you couldent tell if she was happy you were here or exited that a new person joins the battle. "Well I was chilling in the winter section, when this guy! just up decides that I need to freeze my toes off" glaring at the perpetrator, he seems even more pissed than you. "Can't handle the cold bush kid?" Huh interesting name he gave you. "Actually i can, i just cant handle being on anarctica! Which you control boi probably cant either" this was an accusation and the fire demon probably could survive the cold in Antarctica, but you weren't about to admit that. "First of all peasant, do NOT call i, red son ! CONTROL BOY" he was practically yelling at this point hair bursting into flames, that look could definitely kill. "Sorry about that, thought we were naming things we stood by, how about i call you burn boy instead" smiling smugly at the fire boy, "oooooh! Red boi just got r-r-roasted" Yelled Mei, soon after you could hear incoherent words coming from Red sons mouth, he was stomping his feet like a child throwing a tantrum. With one last stomp he looked directly at you "That's it! You are done bush kid, bull clones get them!" With his final command, a dozen of bull clones came charging at you. This was a big hazzle you were supposed to be in the sidelines, looking for another convenient placed plant, and finding nothing you had to think of a better plan. Taking in the situation that is happening before you, about 12 bull clones are charging at you. They will most likely jump up and then smash you under them. You have less than a minute to move. The bulls come charging at you the first three clones jump up to probably smash you under their weight. Sprinting to the side, you muster all the courage to give the three bull clones a side tackle. Making them comically all fall down like bowling pins. Then it was another four, fortunately for you, you still had the element of suprise. Jumping into the two that was closest, you swing to punches to the ones you haven't tackled to the ground yet. In the near distance you could hear Mei cheering you on, only to be tried to shut down by the one and only Red son. There was only around 5 left, but before i could deal with them i heard that boasting voice again "I will admit you can fight bush kid, but it must come to an end now" Red son was now infront of you, yeah you were screwed. With that inhumane speed Red son was suddenly beside you, throwing a punch for your face. Luckily your instincts made you catch his hand, only for you to feel the heat of him setting his hand on fire. "Fuck you man, that hurts" swinging your leg for a kick, you move your hand away from his, shifting position try to retreat slightly, only for redson to come up in your face. "Do you have to be good at fighting?" you ask, frustrated that you have to continue to fight this guy. "Well for your knowledge bush kid, i infact train, i am suprised a mere mortal can keep up with someone from THE demon bull family" ofcourse he would say that, his boasting is getting tiring to hear. "Okay, I get it your cool" rolling your eyes at him, this did not go well. His hair bursting out in flames and before you knew it, a bunch of bull clones were on top of you. "I cannot tell if you are sarcastic, but I am infact great" walking up to you, he looks down on you struggling against the clones grasp. You really did not want to be tied up, and you were probably going to bite the rope off. He walks up to you smirking "I think you should admit your defeat mortal" maybe you could compromise "Okay, if I admit my defeat and whatever can you not tie me up? Not really feeling like it" looking up at your now captor. For a second he did not react, then he was in flames again. "You are not in a position to make demands HUMAN!" damn, atleast you tried. "Then I guess I won" shrugging, you could hear Mei giggling again "Red boy you just got beat by the one and only y/-" "I DID NOT" interrupted Red son. "How would THEY win when their under all my bull clones?" He was looking beyond furious, stomping his feet. "Whatever! I will not have a stupid argument, with you peasants when I totally won!" He then proceeded to walk over to the control panel, and do some weird science stuff. You were still under all those bull clones, he did not tie you up. He is a man of respect I guess, only thing you have to deal with now is these bull clones weight.

A Loud crash was heard, and you tried to move you head to see what happend. Almost out of your eyesight, you could see Mk. "Come to beat yourself up some more?" Red son asked. These clones are heavy maybe, you should work on your back muscles next time you decide to train. Not that you train often, just enough time to not get out of shape is fine with you. You are reconsidering that now, it would be way easier to breathe if you had more muscle mass. You were already half zoning out on the two males conversation, waiting for Red son to use his clones on Mk so you wouldn't have to be under them.
At some point you were even making dinner plans, it was an amazing time to do so. 'Maybe I should ask Mk if he is up for pizza? We just need more flour, we ran out yesterday' you also needed toppings, but the lack of oxygen you were getting right now was not helping your brain capacity.
As if the gods had heard your prayers, you felt the heavy weight lift off you, slowly but surely you were free. What did you do? Spring up and aid the battle? Sprint off into the sunset? The answer is nothing, nothing was the best option giving that you havent been able to breathe properly. Also you were pretty sure that Mk could defeat Red son without you. The battle was over soon, Mk pulling the power move of electrifying eveyone on his staff. Now all you needed to do was help the others get free from the ropes. Taking in a deep breath, you stand up the weather station still looking like a wreck. "Let's get the weather back to normal" tapping a few few buttons and pulling a few levers, the weather was back to normal. "So what are you going to do now Mk?" Mei asked, pulling a quick pose Mk started to reply "isn't it obvious? Practice, practice practice" and and right as the brunette said that, he hit himself with his staff. Giggling at Mk's antics, you grab his right shoulder "come on Mk let's head back and celebrate, I can make pizza" Mks eyes spark up again "sweet i love your cooking y/n " Mk was making some wierd hand movements to punctiate his statement. "Yeah yeah, there is no respect for people like me around here" pigsy sighs, sliding over to the cook you think of a way to explain " pigsy, you know I would never beat your cooking, especially your noodles" giving pigsy a smile, you can see him relax at you statement "your right kid! No one beats me" pigsy exclaimed.

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