7: Movie night

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Annnnnd done! Your scooter was successfully done. You had asked Sandy to help you with your scooter, you mainly were focusing on making it able to fly, but of course you couldn't say no when sandy was set on also making it good for "boat adventures" seeing no cons in it, you of course had agreed. Now you have a super scooter, that could fly, sail and drive on normal roads. You and monkey king were going to hang out today, perfect timing since the scooter was done. It had three buttons as the only indicator of the changes. "Thanks for all the help, Sandy, would have taken me ages to finish on my own" the blue male just nodded, seeming too focused on all the other ideas he was having at the moment. 'Time to take it for a test round' taking the scooter off the table it was currently on, you move it away from the garage. Getting out of the secret base, you hop on your scooter, seeing if it could fly, before you go on to fly to an island surrounded by fire and spitting lava. Starting the engine, you hear the satisfying sounds of its motor. Pressing on the speeder, your scooter soon moves as fast as any car you would meet. The land mode was definitely working, time to test the fly mode. Speeding up more you press the button in the middle with a wing symbol on, hearing a clank in return. Soon the wings that was hiding in secret compartments were out and you could begin to engage fly mode. The next thing you need to do wait for the wind shield to spread up, seeing the "window" slowly rise up so you wouldn't get hit by the wind once taking off. Driving in a straight line you begin to lift off the ground. Feeling the air pressure getting lower, you know that you are close to the preferred height when flying, looking below you can see the city. Fly mode is working, now you need to grab your snacks, turning the vehicle around you head to Pigsy's noodles. You honestly could not wait to show Mk the upgrade. At least there was no traffic in the air, the shop wasn't far away. It would be best to start heading downwards. If you wanted to make the safest landing of course, steering the scooter you begin to head down. Slowly the vibrant sign displaying Pigsy began to appear bigger and bigger. Pigsy really did an investment with that sign, landing your scooter you make sure to make it return to land mode before walking in. "Hey Pigsy! Is Mk around?" Looking for the pig in question you see he was where he always was, the kitchen. "No, he is still out doing orders, he won't be back for while kid" guess you'll have to show him later, grabbing snacks was the other thing you wanted to do. Guess you couldn't take two birds with one stone. Walking up the stairs of the apartment you open the door, walking into the room. "I am pretty sure I put the snacks in the cupboards" you muttered to yourself, no one was listening anyways. Taking the last step to the cupboards, you extend your hands to open the doors. Just as you thought they were right there. You had bought some peach chips for monkey king and some peach flavored soda for both of you, other than that you had taken the liberty of buying your preferred chips. The best chips in your opinion but hey if the king wants peach treats, he gets peach treats. You had planned you wanted to try the peaches, so you had brought an extra bag. You really want to come up with a name to call monkey king, you could ask if he would be okay with Sun, or Wukong but then he would question how you knew of his name. Maybe you should call him the king like macaque did. "I didn't know you liked peaches that much?" A quite loud voice sounded, his smooth tone reminded you of a particular ape. "Macaque?" You look around, and sure enough there he was. "The one and only" heading towards you in one swift movement he had stolen your chips. Your chips! " Hey! Give it back!"

I was too late the monkey like demon, had already opened the godly treats and consumed a handful. "These are really good! What made you buy those peach treats for, you got these!" Pointing his index finger at the bag. Desperate to get you chips you try to tackle the monkey to the ground, he of course being macaque dodged it. " You gotta try a little harder than that bright eyes" his condescending voice, made you even angrier. "What are you even doing here?" You asked, it's been a while since you saw macaque, and because you missed him you might let it slide that he stole your chips. "Whatever, just.... I gotta go okay I have.... to meet someone" looking down at the ground. There was no way you were going to tell him; just imagine how he would react. 'Oh yeah I'm chilling with one of the people who you hate the most' for now it will be a secret, you could always try to cushion the fall, you know macaque has major trust issues and that is not going to help them. "Who do you have to meet? Wait is it like a date with someone?" Macaque questioned was given the context he had, and a good possibility. It would also be a good excuse for why he couldn't come with you to meet them. " Yeah! But don't tell Mk that, he won't stop asking questions then-" Turning around to get your supplies you grab the extra bag of peach chips in case you forgot the others with you. Quickly putting it in a bag. You then Head out the door, completely forgetting etiquette for guests "Wait y/n, who caught your eye?" He asked, he looked friendly enough. You wish you could tell him; damn he was good. "Don't think about it, you're still my number 1" winking at the monkey man, then hopping on the scooter. "Just looking out for you bright eyes, your too kindhearted for your own good" looking over at macaque again you start the engine, he almost sound jealous. "Sounds like someone is jealous fuzzy~" with a now stunned macaque you drive off onto the main road.

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