11: Shady story

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Clouds, nice warm clouds. If it weren't for the blaring alarm forcing you awake you would have actually stayed maybe just for 5 minutes more, but no of course you had work. Pigsy would be at your tail if you didn't get to work, especially with "all" the days its been closed. His words not yours, you would mean it was relatively less than what an average store would, but hey cant argue with the pig. Slamming the alarm shut, you shuffle a little bit before finally getting up. The light was already on because of your brunette roommate. He had already started his morning, and if it weren't for your sluggish behavior this morning you would be too. You didn't have delivery duty today, you were honestly missing driving your scooter. Putting on whatever you had in your closet for the day, you quickly brush your hair, only to mess it up a little bit right after. Deciding that was it for today you just head down the stairs, slowly taking a breath in with every step. This was so not your day. Today you were going to help in the kitchen, cutting vegetables and learn some cooking with Pigsy. He had already begun his long workday, you could see him in the kitchen working on some dough. The consistency and color hinted to it being noodle dough. "Hey Pigsy! What do you want me to do first today" you asked, starting to put on an apron for you work task. "There you are kid, i was about to get you myself" He huffed, putting a bit more force into the kneading of dough. "You can start with cutting some vegetables, we need to get the carrots done first" pointing at the little cutting station he had set up. You walk over to the station, grabbing the carrots and wash them in the sink beside the station. Drying the carrots, you get back to the station to begin the cutting. Putting your hand on the first carrot, you slightly bend your fingers to insure you don't accidently cut yourself. Starting out slow you make sure the cuts are even. You kind of got the hang of it, and you pace increased, before you knew it all the carrots were chopped. Now it was just all the other vegetables that needed cutting, rinse and repeat. Once the last spring onion was cut, you could finally begin the rest of the day. "Done with the vegetables pigsy, what about helping me learn some cooking" you look back to find the pig demon. Instead of a frown he looked quite happy, almost as if it meant something for him. "Alright, come here i will teach ya" walking over to the pig you patiently wait for his instructions...............

(A/n i dont know enough about cooking to make this wholesome and ethically correct so please bare with me not describing this scene)

That was rather informational, maybe you could even help Pigsy more in the kitchen now. "Thanks Pigsy, this was fun" you exclaimed smiling at the man. "No problem, I'm just happy to continue teaching my family recipes" he seemed rather content in the moment. "Yeah, what else do you want me to help with?" Most of the day had went by, and the work day was almost over. "You could put some of the meat in the freezer" he stated, giving a quick "on it" you head over to freeze some of the meat. It was in the back of the shop the freezer was located, you always found it kind of chilling. Whatever got to pay the bills, despite the fact that you literally could just have scripted infinite money. You unfortunately had not done that, and now you were chucking meat in a freezer. At least you almost never did this job, it was mainly delivery and restock counting in storage. You put the last piece of meat in the freezer and was heading over to see if Pigsy needs any more help. Lucky for you the pig did not, now you were officially free from work. If you are lucky maybe you could find that shadow theater Macaque works at. It would honestly be super cool to see a shadow play by the one and only Macaque. The only problem was that you were not quite sure were it was, its not like the show tells an exact route to it. It must be semi new right? You cant remember the episode well enough to figure it out. Never hurt anybody to try. Walking out of the diner, you begin your journey to the shadow theater. Google did not really help you, and you did not want to bother macaque on the phone when he might be working. Instead you just went around the city, looking for the iconic look of the shadow theater. I mean despite megapolis size, there wouldn't be a lot of shady strangely out sticking of the theme buildings. As you were thinking of how to get there, a weirdly bird flew past once again, this time you could see the direction it went. What could go wrong with following a weird bird. Your original plans were pushed aside for the moment, now your steps were going to the right trying to catch up to the bird. You couldn't quite tell if you had gone crazy or if it was purposely leading you somewhere. The bird was already way ahead, however it would make a stop a few times. That was when you would be able to see the details in the otherwise black feathers, you would guess that the red wasn't natural but paint. At least that was the most plausible, taking another step, the bird begins to fly again. Huffing a bit out of frustration, you follow it again. The bird was far ahead but it came to a stop on a roof. Continuing your power walk you finally reach that bird, the bird was not moving this time. 'huh' looking around you check the area. You realize that despite the normally looking street, the LITERAL shadow theater you were looking after was were the bird stopped. "How did you know i wanted to be here little birdie?" you asked the bird. Of course it did not respond, only slightly moving its head to peck at its wings. None the matter, you were here now. Walking in you see the ticket booth, with a woman employee. "Hello, can i buy tickets here?" You ask the lady. "Yeah, last show is in 10 minutes" she looked way too bored of this place to not sound nonchalant. "How much?" you ask "that will be 40.3 yuan" Paying the lady you grab your tickets and look at the snack aisles, you had 10 minutes after all. Deciding To buy a large cola and some popcorn, the classics when watching a movie or play. Five more minuets and the play will start. It would be better to find your seat now, instead of having to rush about it when the time was up. The theater was as expected empty, how many people see shadow plays anyways. Sitting down on the middle row since no one was there. Your ticket had originally been in the back but hey who is checking. Looking over at the stage, the light begins to dim. Grabbing some popcorn and stuffing it in you face you look expectedly at the stage. "Welcome viewer to our shadow play, likes of which you never have seen. It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior and how those who bring light into this world, inevitably brings darkness to those they hold dear" This was getting good. It kind of reminds you of you as a child making shadows of different animals, except he was like 1000 times better at it. You have always kind of wondered how that lantern worked, maybe it was kinda like monkey kings staff. Wouldn't want to dwell to much on it, instead you take a sip of the cola and continue to watch the show. In some way as the story progressed more and more, you sympathy for him was beginning to rise. It is never nice to be betrayed by a friend, although it is his side of the story, its still his feelings. You couldn't imagine a brother figure in your life trying and succeeding to kill you. Just the gave chills, taking a hand full of popcorn in your hand, you eat the slowly. "Although heroes give hope, light and friendship, they also give place to the darkness" Honestly that was true statement, without light there wouldn't be darkness and without darkness, there wouldn't be light. That was sadly how the world worked, whether you liked it or not. You were beginning to zone out of the story an focus more on macaque. His cloaks color slightly alterating from the soft purple lighting of the lamp, its soft hues where enticing almost hypnotic. Then again it could be the smoothness of his movement that made the light even more interesting. The only thing that this concluded was he could rock a cloak. Then again it was fuzzy you were thinking about and he would look good in almost anything. Now that you think of it, wouldn't it be hot in a cloak inside a theater. He must be grilling in that. Eating some more popcorn, you look back up only to find the show almost over. 'What a shame, it was really cool' "However as much as the warrior wished for revenge, somehow in the middle of it all he found something else. He found another shadow who was unbeknown to the ever growing shadow of the hero, a friendship of the century. The warrior too took notice of the shadow, however was he too late to fix it and steal the shadow away?" He took a dramatic pause, before continuing his points of the story. "This is were the story splits my viewer, some say it was too late and the shadow joined the other finding peace in hating the hero together. Others would say the hero yet again stole something from the warrior, and he would have yet another reason to get revenge" at some point, his all knowing smirk had changed. He looked more or less annoyed now, though it was hard to tell from only really seeing his mouth. "Im afraid this was it for tonight, I will leave you with this question. Who would the shadow pick, another soul hurt by the same person or the very person that will eventually betray you when deemed no longer useful" If you did not know better, you would have thought macaque was really jealous of Mk's relationship with monkey king, and they haven't even met yet. The cloaked individual made an exit of the stage leaving you alone in the surprisingly bright auditorium for a shadow play. You really had now expertise with shadow plays, so you couldn't really say it was wrong, but compared to the fact that they were dimmed, it seemed bright. The lights were slowly becoming brighter, until they reached that comfortable but bright light setting. "Did you like the show?" a voice behind you sounded. 'JESUS' flinching slightly you look behind you. "Sorry did not see you there" you smile apologetically. He simply gave a little smile, and you offered him a seat beside you. "No it was my fault really, some people call me too stealthy for my own good" he states, smirking at the end, probably off his own compliment of himself. 'Was there any time where this man does not smirk' Nodding at his statement, you find it hard to continue that theme conversation. "Anyways enough about me, I simply want to know how my viewer interprets the show" Macaque seemed really persistent in your opinion. "I quite enjoyed the show, it was really interesting. I have heard some parts of the story before, but never told almost like the warrior is telling the story" you answered. "I never once told the name of the story, what story have you heard?" He asked, sounding rather intrigued. "Well although it begins with introducing the hero, someway trough he looses his main role of the story, to be replaced by the one he had held dear" He seemed a it taken aback at for a moment before smiling. "That's a nice change of perspective, its always nice to hear a new set of eyes opinion" smiling you take the compliment. "Thanks fuzzy" you said, looking back to the now empty stage again. "What gave me away doll" he asked, taking his cloaks hood off so you could see his entire face now. "Come on we both know i have heard the stories before, and the fact that you knew so much about the warriors feelings kind of gave it away" You said. He smirked at you and raised his one brow "I thought you did not remember much from the stories?" He got you there, you did say you did not remember much from the stories. "You must be a natural at the whole story telling then, how else would i remember" you complimented. "Wow, what's got you in such a good mood bright eyes?" Maybe you were a bit too obvious there. "I don't know what you talking about fuzzy" You end up awkwardly laughing in the end. "Anyways would you look at the time" You say standing up. Excusing your self you begin to make your exit not wanting to be interrogated more. "Wait-" The male started. You had already made it half way up the stairs the male pursued your steps. 'Why did i make this awkward for myself' Slowly regretting your life decisions you reach the walls of the auditorium ready to go over to the door. That was of course if a hand had not trapped while you were about to make your escape. Trapped by the one and only macaque, whose eyes seemed way more soft than ever. "You never really told me what you thought about the ending" He murmured, looking you in the eyes. "What about the ending?" you asked, if you were honest your were not focusing on whatever question because this view was something else. You would pay for shit like this. "About the second shadow" He stated, the second shadow? Oh that. "I am sorry Mk did not choose you" you said, not understanding why he was going talk about the kid right now. "oooh I had so much hope for you there doll. for someone as smart and beautiful as you, you can really be dense" Looking into his golden eyes again, you try to search for what he means by that. "You want to know something i have taken notice of bright eyes" he asked you. As long as he does not question why you know the story. "What?" you ask. "Your beginning to smell an awful like peaches, you tell me you know the story and i think you might be talking to the hero" He snarled, he looked angry. His eyes no longer looked soft, they looked ignited instead. "If i recall you have bought peach chips as well" Caught like a mouse, you really did not know what to say. "I-" you couldn't even formulate more than a word before being interrupted. "Its okay, just heed my warning bud he will leave you" he said. "I don't think that Macaque" you firmly stated. He was the one to talk, and you did not like that. "I understand your hurt..." you say, placing your hand on his shoulder trying to comfort the hurt male. "However i think you will find he has changed, and I decide who i talk to" with you last continued statement you wait for his response. He looked to be thinking, you cross you arms. Staring at him, or well you were kind of glaring at him. "You know you look hot when you are annoyed doll" He smirked. Feeling you cheeks heating up you try to say something only to find you mouth dry. "Cat got your tongue or something~" he asked. Slightly leaning closer to you. Shit you cant kiss him, you don't know what you and monkey king are yet. 'Fuck think of something y/n' looking for anything to say, you just state something, SOMETHING. "Have you been standing on your toes this entire time?" you ask, pointing at his feet. "..." he now avoided eye contact "Maybe-" laughing mainly out of the absurdity of it all. You also see this as your cue to leave. "Anyways I actually have to go Macaboy" you said, slowly sliding away from the man. "That's a new nickname, I think I prefer Fuzzy" shrugging you head out of the theater, 'that was totally not awkward' You note to be more careful next time, as much as you would love to have them both. Cheating is something you will never do. The lights in the city was still illuminating as bright as ever but the night sky showed that you needed to head home....

(a/n) I have discovered spelling mistakes in my book, I would like to apologize for that, I myself hate when something is spelled wrong in a book :( After this chapter I will make sure to check all chapters so you guys wont have to worry about it anymore, This is more informational so you know why it might say for a while that it has been edited :P Also seriously love reading all you comments, You guys make my day sometime <3 Remember to take care of yourself and we will see each other in the next authors note.

Ps. I am currently writing most on my pc and then like half the time on my phone cuz its more transportable and tiny :)

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