15: Shift in thought

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The comments have answered and you shall recive more maca boiii :D also I saw someone add this to kinktober?? But I haven't made any smutt yet? Idk made me laugh

There will be a switch of POV in the end

Driving through the city, and watching the lights, it was like second nature to you by now. Many of the street names you had memorized. There were even some customers you would recognize while delivering orders. The long drives gave you time to think. You thought back to many things such as your old life, and your new one. You thought back to last week with the wall race, could you really get them to get along? The thought lingered in your head. You really wanted this to work out in the end. The two of them both had your heart, and thinking about having to choose was crushing you. When the choice came, you would be in a stalemate. Thinking about it more, your obvious answer would be monkey king he was you partner. After the shadow play, it seemed that Macaque had given space. You were not sure why, but he had. Not as much as a single chirp had come from him, making you think where your friend had gone off to. The only thing exiting about this particular trip, was that one delivery. It was where Macaque lived, or at least where he receives his food. He had showed you the insides before, and you deemed it more than livable. His order was the last, so you had one mission in mind. Finish all the orders and see how he is doing. The amount of speed-running you were doing made you, totally over see your lover who also had made an order. The order got delivered so fast that you did not even register his face before you were off again. You could only think of your friend at the moment. What was he up too anyway probably some mystic monkey business, you wouldent want to pry that much. He had bought an order now and that was what mattered. There was nothing new about the ride except the destinations, so you just continued to mind your own business.


You've missed the monkey, and now you were by his door again. Knocking on the door, with those ominous lights still being there. You waited for a while after retrieving your hand to your side. He always took such a long time responding, humming slightly at the suspense you patiently look at the door. There was a slight creak before the door opened. The one and only Macaque being the one to answer. "Pigsy's noodles!" you exclaim, giving the store's signature greeting. "Hey there bright eyes, I thought someone else was going to come" he said. "hehe- think you can get rid of me that easily" you joked, giving him an amused smile. He quirked a brow at you, before handing you the cash. "You could've texted" he suggested, you gave him his noodles that he paid for. "Well, so could you, plus it's nicer to meet up in person" you retaliated at his answer. That and the fact you wouldent want to disturb him during work hours, you wonder when episode nine is going to happen. Though you wouldent think too much about it. "You like me that much doll? Though I can't blame you, I am pretty great" he says smirking slightly, hanging around by the door, he does not look to intend to eat his noodles anytime soon. "Yeah, whatever fuzzy, what you been up too other than that job" you said. "I still don't know what gave that away" he says. "Must have been that pretty great attitude" you said, mimicking his words earlier. He slightly opens the door showing his dojo-apartment combo "Want to come in? I promise I will try not to bite~" Laughing at his statement you punch him on the arm softly. "Well I do so be careful" you said, helping yourself through the door. "Ooohohoho be careful what you promise doll" he said, following behind you. "Calm down fuzzy, you should focus on those half cold noodles" you pointed out, pointing you finger at his bag. You crouch down to take off your shoes, before continuing to go into the house "Right forgot about that for a second, are you okay with me eating in front of you?" he asked. You nodded giving a thump up while smiling. He laughed slightly at your cute pose before going to his table to eat, you followed and sat across from him. The smell of noodle broth, and spices in general was making you drool. You kept in the urge to steal his noodles while he ate, though the silence was beginning to make a thick atmosphere. Looking around in the room you found nothing of interest, so instead you placed your gaze on the only slightly interesting thing here, Macaque. The man was slurping his noodles, and though his expression was neutral, you knew he liked it. You had stared for a few minutes, before the man took his gaze of his noodles and looked at you, almost as if sensing your stare. You locked gaze and decided to make some undiscussed staring contest. He half smirked looking confident in the win, but you wouldent give up easy, although your eyes were already dry. You blinked first and lost; you looked back at him. "You want to try some? It'll cost you though" he said looking down at his noodles. You followed his gaze, the offer was tempting...

you were kind of hungry. "What will it cost?" you asked, you didn't have any money on you so it would be hard to pay in money, but you could always pay later. "Nothing much juuust......" he said dragging out his sentence, you looked at him waiting for an answer. "A kiss~" he ended. Your blood went straight to you face, a kiss with him? No way you could do that you have a partner. Even if he is hot and has such soft fur...... 'Stay focused (Y/N)!' focusing back from dreamland, Macaque had taken advantage of your state, and while you tried to say something, you also realized he had moved closer. "No way! Can't do that I'm not hungry anyway" you say, blushing profusely while waving your hands around dismissively. "C'mon doll~ you know it's a deal" he moved a bit closer abandoning the noodles completely now. "UUUUh- I can't, you know I have a partner and I need to at least tell him before I go kissing someone-" you blurt out, trying to defend your lips from the maybe attack to come. You could begin to feel his breath now, but before you could use your hand to put on his lip, he did something you didn't expect, he sniffed you. His nose slightly scrunched up at the smell. "Wait do I smell bad?" you asked. He looked down at you, looking into your eyes "I would say so, you smell of him" he said slightly pushing himself off of you form. You look at him confused, him? Him....

Wukong, of course "I told you I had a partner....." you answered, it was almost above a whisper but he still heard you loud and clear. "Does he know about me?" Macaque asked. "Don't see why he should, your one of my friends he doesn't have to supervise over me" you answered, looking away, you should have told him before. You kind of feel bad for not telling him earlier on, but when can you really say something like that. "I would have guessed you would say that, you are smarter than what you lead on" he says, this mood was killing me. Scooting a bit over to him you nudge his arm "What do you mean lead on, I AM smart" you ask, giving him a playful stern gaze. His frown turns into a slight smile. "Right- can you do something for me" Macaque asked, his mouth turned in to a sincere smirk, yet it looked kind of fake to you. "Sure" you said, looking at him to see what he wanted. "Don't tell him, that we are friends" he said, looking into your eyes. "Although i don't understand what you see in him, I respect your choice doll, but I don't want him getting any ideas, okay?"

Don't tell monkey king? At this point you were too good at lying in this dimension. "Sure, I won't tell him" You smiled, lying to not have seen a person would probably be easy enough. "Alright, I'll talk to you later bright eyes, but you have to go it is getting late" he said, you understanding the hint stood up and began to head out.

Macaques POV___________________________________________________________________

Too late, of course I was too late. It's a minor setback, all I have to do is make some discourse among the happy couple. I won't let go of them, their simply too cute. The plan was coming along well I was ready to help our little hero become a better warrior....

That's it for tonight ;) Having a writers block, but next chapter will be the first part of episode 9, since I want to make it a long timeline of the whole thing happening :P

1566 words

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