A true GOD

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Opening his eyes and Beerus looked around the familiar white room. "Aw shit, here we go again." He said standing up.

"Back so soon are we."

Groaning and turning around He was met with the same kid sitting on the same throne wearing the same robe as before he reincarnated."Why the hell am I back here. I clearly remember blowing up a part of the world." He said shrinking into a kid.

Letting out a giggle the kid jumped down and walked to Beerus." And when you did that you passed a test."

"A test." He said cocking his head to the side.

Snapping the white room faded away revealing a Milky Way and the kid began to walk back the the throne." You see, everything I told you before was a lie. I'm not the ruler of just your universe, but all the universes. And your not the only person that took this test but you are the only that pasted." He said sitting down.

"Wait a damn minute. Your telling me everything before was a lie. The wishes, the reincarnation, my virginity being lost."

Bingo bango. We have a winner. Yah see I could have granted you an infinite amount of wishes but where's the fun in that, and after you wished to become at cat dude you simply fell into dreamlike state and lived your life there."

Beerus fell to his knees." So what was the test."

"That's the twister." Twirling his hand a glass of jack appeared.

"Everyone else failed. They all had the same opportunity but failed. The goal of the test was to find those that could gain a certain amount of power but maintain their mental state. Take Zeno for example his power wish was to become an Omni king of a multiverse. I'm a decent guy so I gave him 50 universes to rule over. You know how many of those remains."

Beerus shook his head.

The kid smiled."12, out of the 50 worlds I gave he destroyed 38 of them for the simple fact they didn't meet a certain power level. Now that wouldn't be a problem if his mind didn't revert to a 3 year old old that saw his subjects as nothing more than blocks to play with. So he failed."

Beerus switched into a meditating position." But i did the same thing. I saw anyone that pissed me off as an ant or object."

'You kept your sanity though, and you gave everyone at least two chances. Zeno didn't even give them a chance to increase their level because he didn't care. He just wanted a form of entertainment."

"What was the point to the test in the first place."

"And that's the big question. Why did I put billions of people through a test. To find my replacement of course, I've grown tired being the king of the universes, I've done everything there is to do, created them, destroyed them, summoned a few women to entertain myself. So I've run out of ideas for the new ones.  A good example would be the One Piece world. That one wasn't even made until you pitched me the idea."

"Wait, did you just say you want me to become king of the universes."

Standing up the kid walked back down to Beerus." Yup, all you have to do is sit on the throne."

Swallowing he Beerus slowly ascended the stairs reaching the throne he walked around it stopping at he back. Smiling he kicked it down the stairs at the kid." And why would I want to be confined to for the rest of eternity."

Ducking the chair the kid started to laugh." See and that's why I chose you. The new king needs to be able to leave this place to gain new material, if you would've sat in that chair you would've been out right back into that dream."

Beerus started to laugh." That would've sucked, so what now."

Well Zeno's gonna stay in that dream until you feel like letting him out and you, well your gonna be in pain for a few years."


"Your body needs to be deconstructed then born all over again so you'll be able to use your abilities to the fullest."

"I better not turn into a butt ass naked baby."

"Don't worry your attendant will take care of you until then."

"I've got an attendant."

Walking up to Beerus the kid turned around and clapped his hand twice." Introducing the Omni Kings personal attendant Soda."

In front of the two a busty figure appeared kneeling.

"Pleased to meet you meet you lord

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"Pleased to meet you meet you lord."

"She's who I was sensing in the dream."

Leaning over to Beerus the kid whispered.
"She's also your new wife.

"This just keeps getting better."

"So let's get started." kid pressed their foreheads together." And remember little god. Imaginations the limit. That's why I chose teens and kids to take the test."

In a brilliant flash of light Beerus disappeared and was replaced with a baby wrapped in a blanket." And where will you be going my king."

The kids clothes changed into a green shirt shirt with khaki pants." Who knows maybe I'll look for my old team." He said picking up a straw hat and box with a dog on it." And drop the king would you. It's just Shaggy now."

God of Destruction in Onepiece

It's finally That time before we talk about the future big shoutout the the homie


He's commented and voted on every single chapter.

Now obviously Beerus story is not over but since this is a democracy I'll let you guys pick where he'll go.

DxD is not an option I've already got a fic about it and don't want to get shit mixed up. 

Matter fact first 5 to vote and comment on all chapters will get a character named whatever they want.

Here's your options.

Fairy tail

One punch man



I'm just bullshitting this ain't no democracy boi. This Pharaohs world, Fairy tails coming next.

Whatever gets the most votes will come after that.

Fuck outta here.

God of Destruction in Onepiece Where stories live. Discover now