chapter 1 - rough start

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TW: strong language

"Im sorry."  Words I alway received. I guess you could say that I'm hard to please, or easily disappointed, or maybe it's just my fucked up parents.
Just as soon as my life was starting to get good again, my mom dragged to me all the way to the small town of Hawkins, Indiana.

I absolutely hate being the new kid. It's tough enough having to start a new highschool as a senior, honestly would've dropped out if I knew I had to move.
Although I had outstanding grades at all of my other schools, not to mention always being the popular and pretty girl, I definitely didn't feel ready for Hawkins High. Something felt off about the whole town. Some say its cursed.

My parents have split up and gotten back together three different times, which led to me being thrown around a lot throughout different schools and towns. This time my mom thought it would be a good idea to get away from my dad for good, making me move with her across the country.
Im not usually one to complain, but if you asked my parents, they'd say I have quite the mouth.
It's always "why can't you be happy for me or us?" or "be grateful I didn't leave you to rot in the old house!"

My parents would say things like that for years, and I've seen so many counselors and even therapists about my parents, a lot. All of them suggest for me to keep distance, maybe write in a diary, or just be happy I get a fresh start every couple of years. Nothing helps.

However, I really need to stop being lost in my thoughts. I need to get ready for my new "fresh start".
I throw on the cleanest clothes on my bedroom floor and rush down to my kitchen.

"Your gonna wear that?" My mom basically gasped as she saw me.
"Yes mom, just like every other first day I've had."
My mom didn't respond back as I rushed myself out the door.
As I walked on the main road to school, a van slowly rolled next to me. A guy with wavy, long black hair rolled down his passenger window, shifting his direction towards me. He stopped right next to me and stared.

"Can I help you?" I exclaimed.

"Well, need a ride?" I could tell he was in a flirty mood, and he seemed like a player to me. A freaky one too.

"You're a stranger and you're approaching me in a van. I think I can go where I need to be on my own, thanks." I keep walking until van rolls next to me again, only this time it's not stopping.

The guy stares at me for a split second before speeding off into the woods. I think nothing of it and keep walking.

Eventually, I'm at school and everyone's staring at me. A shorter, redhead girl with a nice smile starts walking towards me. I can tell she's a freshman.
She drags down her headphones from her ears and looks at me before saying "I'm Max, are you new here?"

"Well yeah. I don't really know anything about anything here."

"I can help, wanna meet my friends?" Being nice, I agreed. She started walking inside to the lunchroom, going towards a table of 3 freshman boys, who honestly look like nerds.

"Who's this?" One of them asked her.
"We're going to help her find her way around this school. Maybe she can be a sub for your stupid little game of dnd."

"dnd?" I knew slang but honestly never heard of whatever the fuck dnd was.

" dungeon and dragons! Only the best game there is, obviously you don't know how to play, but we can teach you if you want." One of the boys offered. I shrugged.

"Well these guys are Mike and Dustin, I'll catch you later though, I have class." Max walks away, leaving me at the table with the boys.

"He's Lucas. Max's ex boyfriend, she always avoids anything about him when she gets the chance." Mike said, pointing the the third boy.

I got to know a bit about them before the bell rang, and I was off to my first class. As nervous as fuck, I walked down the hall past the lockers, reaching a room full of people I didn't know.

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