chapter 7 - yes eddie

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Quick A/N - I won't be putting TWs for mature language anymore, only for things like smut or abuse or more sensitive stuff. Please expect swearing in every chapter even if it doesn't have it in it. If you don't feel comfortable with it, I suggest this story isn't for you.

I walked into my house, only to see my mom sitting, waiting for me.

"Lydia Harper Clarke. I've been worried sick!! Where have you been?!" My mom said, in an angry tone.

"My new friend, Max. I stayed the night at her house for a bit because traffic was crazy and I didn't want to walk home, I'm sorry." I lied.

"But you didn't call????" She gave me a cold stare as I didn't respond.

"Lydia..your grounded. Stay in your room." She scolded, as I walked to my room, knowing I couldn't see Eddie until school.
I didn't know if he would be the type of guy to ignore me but, I don't want him to think I'm that type. Especially after the kiss, basically revealing my feelings.

I soon fell asleep, waking up the next morning to a quiet room.

I cleaned up a bit and as I was cleaning, I heard a knock on my window.
I slowly pull back my curtain only to see Munson himself, behind the glass. I opened the window, letting him in, and putting my finger to my mouth, signaling for him to be quiet.

He crawled in my room, hopping on my bed.

"Eddie what are you doing here?" Before he could answer, I heard my mom yelled to me saying she's going to the store, and I yelled back just saying okay.

"I wanted to get to know you more, and I don't have your phone number." He said, as I quickly grabbed a note pad and pen, writing it down.

"I'm sorry, I'm grounded, but what do you wanna know?" I smiled, passing him the note.

"Just...about you." He smiled at me, looking deep into my blue eyes, as I looked at his.

"Okay...well I don't really have a favorite color but I have always felt close to a dark green I guess and I listen to rock kiss, the band." I laughed, sitting next to him on my bed.

"That's great, I'm pretty much the same way." He smiled, as my face was close to his. He quickly pulled me into a passionate kiss, putting his hand on my back, and mine on his neck.

He pulled away. "Would you be my girlfriend, Lydia?" He asked, with a nervous expression.

"Yes Eddie." I said, pulling him back into the kiss, as he got on top of me. He quickly got off.

"Movie?" I nodded, going across my room, to turn on my box tv. I put in the movie "The breakfast club" dimming the lights, laying back down, but next to Eddie even closer. He had his hand on my hip, as we watched the movie together.

After the movie ended, me and Eddie started talking more. He told me about his band and his guitar and also how he always plays dungeon and dragons, and that he would want to teach me some time, knowing how I had become friends with the boys.

I also told him a lot of stuff about me like the things I like and what I usually do in my free time after school. Soon, my mom was back, as the clock hit 9:00.

"Eddie! You need to go before we get caught!! I'm sorry!" I whispered to him. He nodded, going to my window and backing out, climbing back onto the ladder he had placed there, before going down, he gave me a quick kiss on the lips, as he said goodbye, and after that I had noticed he left his handkerchief, that usually hung out of his back pocket.
I place it next to me, before falling asleep, thinking about how I didn't like him, and he became my boyfriend, and my first in Hawkins.

A/N : I know this was a short chapter and I'm probably going to be doing a lot of short chapters right now with having school and not being able to write full-time. I will continue to update every day though!! And I'm also sorry if this story sounds a bit cheesy, I haven't written one in a long time and I'm trying to make the best of it! And next chapter I will also be including more characters and having Lydia meet Nancy, Steve and Robin, in a proper way!!

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