chapter 4 - flowers

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TW : Mature language

The next morning, I threw on my best outfit. Low waisted jeans, and a plain crop tee. I walked out of my house and rushed to school. For some reason, even though I hated it, I was excited today.

Once I got to school, I was immediately greeted by a few jocks. The one in the front was blonde and looked dreamy. But beside him was a pretty blonde cheerleader.

"I'm Jason, this is Chrissy. Would you wanna sit with us?" He said, pointing at the table in the back of the cafeteria, where many more guys sat.

"I- sure." I walked with them to the table where I was greeted by many flirty guys and guy who just stared at my body. They all laughed together about dumb jokes, mainly about cheerleaders.
Then, I saw Max going to sit down with Mike and them. I got up and started walking towards them, leaving Jason to stare at me and ask where I was going. Ignoring those idiots, I sat next to Max.

"Oh hey Lydia." All of them said, staring at me. "Hey" I smiled. But then, I saw Eddie walk towards us.

He popped on the seat next to me, and I could tell he was looking at me.

"Hey Lydiaaaa" he said in a playful tone, "let's go out sometime.."

"I'm not going out on a date with you." Everyone at the table faced their attention towards me. Soon even Steve came over, he looked handsome as usual, but I think he has a thing for someone else. Eddie noticed I was staring at Steve and said, "Let me pick you 8?" I shook my head and shoved him away.

He just laughed and walked away.

"So Eddie has a thing for you?" Everyone basically said together.

"I don't know. I don't like him though." They all laughed, thinking it was funny to see the tough guy freak get rejected by me.

I went on with my day, Eddie left me alone and I was able to get home and sleep just fine after school. The next morning I was greeted by the sound of rocks hitting my window.

I rub my eyes, looking out to see Eddie smirking, I open the window and shout, "How the fuck do you know where I live?! What do you want from me Eddie Munson!!" I shouted, with an angry look plastered on my face.
He was fucking crazy.

"A date?" He shouted. Clearly he didn't know how to ask out a girl properly.
"Get the fuck off my property Munson!!" I slammed my window shut and stormed off to get ready. I rushed past my mom, angry as ever and started walking fast to school.

I rush into school and pull Max into the bathroom as soon as I see her.

"Eddie fucking Munson! It's only his 2nd time asking me out and he did it by showing up to my house! Throwing rocks at my window!!" Max laughed.

"It isn't funny, he's fucking crazy!!" Max sighed, "I don't know Lydia.. it's pretty funny. I mean what else do you expect." I stormed out of the bathroom, leaving Max and walking straight into Eddie. He had a bouquet of flowers. They were really pretty, but he was insane.

"Clarke! I was just looking for you, Hollywood!" I put my hand up to his face, making him go quiet.

"Eddie, will you stop bothering me if I go on ONE date with you?" He smirked. "I say....3 dates." Knowing that it wasn't gonna get any better than that...I agreed. The first date was tonight.

"I'll pick you up at 8, dress nice." He smirked as he walked away, leaving me the flowers. I walked away, to the cafeteria. As I got there I saw Mike and Dustin sitting down, Lucas sitting with the basketball team. I sat with Mike and Dustin and they went quiet.

"Well..Lydia.. did Eddie do it?" I looked at them dead in the eyes.
"He told you guys?" They nodded and laughed. I was really mad now. He's probably gonna tell the whole school that we're going on a date.

I got up and started walking towards the forest, and kept walking for awhile until I was at the picnic table from my first day. I sat down and rested my head on the table, beginning to feel tired. Stupidly, I fell asleep and woke up hours later. I checked my watch in my bag and it was 6, I shot up and started running home. I rushed into my house and put on new clothes, a red skirt and a tight white shirt, I tucked the shirt into the skirt and began to do my makeup, checking the time constantly.

About an hour later, it was finally 8 where I met Eddie outside my house.

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