chapter 16 - home

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TW : alcohol and slight smut??

As he drove me home, the whole ride he was assuring me that everything was gonna be okay, and rubbing my thigh and back the whole time.

We pulled into my house, as he got out of the van, coming over and picking me up. He carried me all the way upstairs and put me down on my bed gently.

"When did you find out?" He asked.

"This morning. You skipped so you didn't see me, but I was called into the office. With cops."

I wanted to hint to him that I was upset he wasn't with me, which was mainly because I knew he was with Chrissy, but I didn't want him to know I knew.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. But what are you going to do? You can't pay bills on your own."

"I'm gonna graduate as quick as I can, get a job, and hopefully find a roommate. Oh- and get my license, all before the year ends." I started crying, as I was stressing out.

Eddie kissed me.

"I'll teach you how to drive. I'll get you a nice job, and if you want I can be your roommate and help with bills."

"Okay." I faked a smile at him.

"I promise I'll take care of you." He assured me.

I got up, and changed, before heading downstairs. Eddie followed behind me, as I waltzed into the kitchen and got a beer out. Eddie's eyes widened as he watched me down the bottle, and soon one bottle became five, and soon that became seven.

"Darling you shouldn't drown out your problems, it's not healthy."

"Oh shut up Eddie. Since when do you know anything about what's healthy?" Clearly drunk out of my mind, I couldn't tell at the time that I had insulted him.

He then handed me a water, telling me to drink it. So, I drank it, and not long after I found myself in the shower, as Eddie was washing my hair and body for me.

"You need to sober up princess. Your too emotional and mean when wasted." He said, as he moved my hair out of the way, kissing my neck.

we got out, and he wrapped a towel around us as I slowly sobered up.

"Thank you. You should get your stuff from your trailer tonight, so you can live with me." I smiled at him.

He nodded, and soon later he went off and got everything. He came back with a few posters, clothes, hair products, and of course his guitar.

He set his things up about the room and then layed down next to me.

"I love you, and we're gonna make sure everything's okay. Okay?" I nodded, flopping my arm over Eddie's chest.

"And I'll teach you how to drive tomorrow." He kissed my forehead, before we both fell asleep.

"Good morning princess" Eddie's groggy voice echoed through my ears.

I opened my eyes, to see Eddie's face right in front of mine. My head was pounding. I sat up and sipped on a glass of water that was left over on my nightstand.

I got up, but stumbled off my bed. I took a quick shower and got out to see Eddie brushing his teeth. He looked at me before walking over to me, grabbing my waist and kissing me with his toothpaste filled mouth. I giggled, pulling back.

"You ready to learn how to drive?" He grinned.

"More than ever Munson!" I smiled, as I threw on clothes and rushed out the house with Eddie.

I walked to my moms car before Eddie quickly stopped me.

"You know- they say the best way to learn how to drive is to sit on the teachers lap." He smirked.

"You know, in case you break down or freak out, I can tap the brakes." I smiled at Eddie's comment.

He hopped in before me, as I slowly sat on his lap. He told me the basics before driving, like which petals the gas and brake, how to shift the car, and how to control the stereo system.

Pushing my foot on the brake, I pulled the knob into mode d for drive. I creeped my way out of the driveway slowly and listened to everything Eddie said. I was trying to be focused, but Eddie under me didn't help at all.

My body grew tense as Eddie kissed along my neck while telling me directions and speed limits.

"Eddie your distracting me." I said in a stern voice.

"Well then let's get home princess." Eddie whispered in my ear.

As I drove home I could gently feel Eddie slightly pull me closer to him from here and there, and I knew exactly what he was doing, but I loved every bit of it.

As I pulled into the driveway, I made sure to pull the brakes and shifting the car to park, also locking it as I got out, Eddie behind me.

As soon as we got through the door, he picked me up and placed me on the edge of the kitchen counter.

"Hungry?" He asked, as he let go, opening the fridge door. Jerk. It was obvious he wanted me to practically beg for him, well I wasn't gonna do it.

Maybe it's because I still felt a bit hurt about the whole Chrissy situation, even though I'm most likely wrong. I bit my lip as I got down from the counter and kissed Eddie goodnight.

A/N : I know a lot is going in this chapter but I'm trying to make the best of it, and make my ideas make sense! I'm also not trying to write the same thing over and over again, like how in the beginning of every chapter it's always Lydia waking up, and end being her going to sleep, so I'm stuck on that and trying to find a way to change that. So bare with me please, I'm sorry!

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