chapter 12 - liar

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TW : slight smut??

I awoke the next morning, reaching my arm out next to me to feel nothing. I rubbed my eyes and got up as I stumbled downstairs.

I walked into my kitchen to see shirtless Eddie making me breakfast.

"Ed, you didn't have to." I walked behind him, leaning my head against his back.

"Oh yes I did. So I'm making you French toast with strawberries and Nutella." He smiled.

"Wow Eddie that's my favorite! How'd you know?" I laughed in shock.

"I guessed. It's my favorite too." He said, finishing up and walking over to put the plates on the table. He walked back over to me and picked me up, placing me on the counter, placing kisses along my neck as I giggled. He then dipped his finger in the tub of Nutella beside me, and wiping it on my nose.

I gasped and shouted, "Eddie!!" Laughing.

"Can you hand me a paper towel so I can at least get this off!" I smiled.

"No need." He said, as he licked it off my nose, making me laugh. I kissed him and he pulled me closer to him.

His body was against mine as we started making out. He grabbed my hips and kissed me passionately, pulling me even closer towards him, leaving no space in between us.

Finally, he pulled away from me.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat." Eddie said, picking me up off the counter and sitting me down at the table.

We both eat together and mess around a bit at the table.

"Let's skip school." I said, knowing Eddie wouldn't think twice about it. He nodded his head, as he got the plates and brought them to the sink.

He came back over and sat back down at the table.

"We should go out today." As I said that, Eddie looked up at me with a weird look on his face.

"After what happened?" He asked, and I nodded.

"It'll make me feel better.." I said with a smile.

Eddie looked down at his hands, and started to fidget with his rings.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but I have to do something today and it's kinda important so if I miss it.." he said.

"Oh. Yeah I get it we can do something another time. No worries." I smiled, as he flashed a smile back at me. He leaned over across the table, placing a light kiss on my lips.

"I gotta go darling I'll be back!" He said, smiling, as he put on his leather jacket and coat, zipping it up so no one could tell he wasn't wearing a shirt.
He walked out of my house, leaving me at the table, when suddenly the phone rang.

I answered it, to hear Robin and Nancy's voice.

"Wanna go to the mall with us? Max is coming too- we basically have to babysit her, but we can pick you up soon if you want." I said yes, and hung up.

I ran upstairs, putting on a black mini skirt with a cute white laced top. I did my makeup, and curled my hair.

I then grabbed my purse, and went downstairs to see the girls already here.

I walked out, and got in the back seat of the car, next to Max.

"Hey..we wanted to cheer you up after what we heard about the party from last night. Are you okay?" I nodded, as Nancy asked.

We all talked and laughed together, but as we passed the school on the way to the mall, I saw Chrissy talking to Eddie next to his van.

It was really weird.
Nancy kept driving on until we got to the mall finally.
We all walked in, To not really be impressed.

"Wow this place is..."

"Disappointing, I know. The last mall was a million times better but there was a fire. So there's this." Robin finished my sentence as Nancy hugged Max, who didn't look okay.

I didn't wanna bother her by asking, so we all just went on to see some shops.

Max checked out the skate shop with Robin, while me and Nancy looked around the clothes shop.

Messing around, we went straight to the lingerie section and started putting up lingerie against ourselves, asking for each other's opinions.

I held up a dark maroon red laced bra and thong set.
"What do you think?" I giggled.

"I think your hero...Eddie...will love it." She laughed.

"That is seriously hot Lydia!" Robin said, scaring me and Nancy, as she and Max walked in behind us.

"Jesus Robin!" Nancy gasped.

I threw a dark green bra at Robin and a laced light pink one at Nancy.

"For you two." I smiled. Robin shook her head, as Max laughed at us all. Nancy and I then went on and payed for our stuff, and then getting some pretzels before leaving the mall.

They drop me back off at my house, and I waved goodbye before walking inside.

Immediately, I hear Eddie's van pull up. He knocked on the door before I let him in.

He walked in and looked at my body shocked.

"You look good. Where did you go?" He asked.

"The mall with Robin and Nancy. And Max of course." I said, closing the door behind him, and going to sit on my couch.

"Where did you go today?" I asked, with a smile on my face.

"I helped out Chrissy today." He said. My smile fell still.

"Oh. With what?"

"Eh it's kind of private, I guess she doesn't want people to know." He gave me a look.

"Liar" I muttered quiet enough for only myself to hear.

I went upstairs and he followed me, where I changed into pajamas and went to bed, Eddie laying down with me, and falling asleep next to me.

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