𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑷2"

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Today Steve arrived a little late to work today cause, you know. He'd bust through the door entrance, surprising Robin there who seemed to be waiting for his existence, thought he didn't came to work today. Steve looked like he was a in a hurry, sweating and breathing heavily. Which made Robin concerned about it and was really suspicious too.

"Gosh dude you didn't tell me you worked as a constructor too." Said Robin in a slightly angry voice. He was completely diffrent these past days which made her really really concerned. "What even happend?" She said as she was fiddling around with one of the tapes while looking at Steve who's at the opposite side.

"I don't think I can explain.." He said as Steve hid his face from Robin. He was clearly blushing red. His belt were loosen and his shirt wasn't tucked in correctly. From this point of view, I think Robin could tell what happend. She'd laugh- "So early in the morning huh?" She'd jokingly tease with him around, only ro realize that it was true.

"Yeah Yeah whatever." He'd stop standing round before heading towards the bathroom, probably going to fix his messy appearance. Robin would cough from the realisation. She was disgusted and really suprised. She'd stop thinking about it and decided to just forget it never happend. Inhaling and exhaling.

The door would then ring, only to see the same customer from yesterday again. Robin looked up, only too see it was the man himself that Steve admired..

Eddie, Eddie Munson.


Oh hey uhm," Eddie would approach towards the counter. Interacting with Robin. "Is there by chance, a guy named Steve Harrington here?"

Steve suddenly heard the familiar voice, he'd storm out of the bathroom before running towards the counter, only to see Eddie. His heart was racing again just like last time, the memory from last night kept coming jnto his head like a bunch of arrows stabbing his brain. He couldn't see Eddie the same again after this, or maybe he could but it's really not something so easy to forget. "Yes, I am here. What is it that you need with?"

Eddie would head towards Steve, getting closer to him. Steve was very nervous as Eddie got closer, backing away a little. His lips were quivering, wanting to kiss Eddie just like in the dream but he had to refrain himself to. He really needed to diffrenate the reality and fantasy.

"Woah calm down, I won't do anything. I was just here to invite you to watch the movies together with me tonight." Eddie would give him that freakish grin, which made Steve tad more nervous. He would put his hands on Eddie's shoulder, he'd stare at him in the eyes for a while before patting his shoulders. "Yeah I'll meet you there tonight."

Eddie would look back and forth from Steve's eyes to the hand on his shoulder. Being a nervous wreck too. 'I think this dude can let go of me now, what is he waiting for?'

Meanwhile Robin would just stare at the both of them, she somehow felt a tension between the stare of the two. It was not some grudge or anything, it almost felt like something sexual was happening although it was just a small and simple interaction. She'd stand up. "I think that's enough you two, it's disgusting me out." She chuckled, joking around with Steve mostly.

"She's right Stevey..That's enough." A lustful smirk would form on Eddie's face, holding Steve's hand that was on his shoulder, grabbing it softly before putting it down. Later on letting go off his hand then walking out of the store.

Steve just stood there in shock. Even though Eddie softly grabbed onto his hand, it still felt very rough. He thought it was just because Eddie was a guitar player or something. As rough as it can be, he wanted him to hold his hands longer. Steve would then look at his hands and stare for a while. Suddenly,

he thought of Eddie's hands being wrapped around his- "Are you gonna stand there any longerrr?" Robin cut him off. He'd shake his head before sighing once again.


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