- extras - 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞

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It's been a couple of months since they've been dating eachother secretly, Well not that secretly. Robin and some of the kids know it. They're relationship is getting better than ever.


"Do we really have to drive them there?" He groaned, he barely had energy to do anything yet they have to drive the kids to the forest for a camping trip. "Uhh, I'm the one driving but yeah- I'm currently babysitting them so I have to." Said Steve as he sighs, leaning his head back as he waited for them to get in the van.

"Hypothetically, I'm sitting at the front row so I'm driving aswell." He said confidently . "Didn't think you'd ever use the word hypothetically, or even know what it means." Steve laughed. "Why am I not the one driving? This is my vehicle." He crossed his arms, wondering on why he wasn't the one driving his own van.

"BECAUSE you're gonna end up killing us all." He rolled his eyes, scoffing. "Do you not trust mee?" Eddie jokingly whined, leaning closer to Steve. "It's not that I don't trust you it's just-" Steve looked away, blushing a little as Eddie leaned closer to him. "You're just proving my point, princess." Eddie smirked as he grabbed his thighs. "Not here Munson. The kids are coming soon." He tries not to form a smile. He was trying really hard to hold back.

"I can't wait till we get home then." He elbowed him before winking. "Guyss? Did you forget me?" Both of them flinched. Eddie quickly pulled himself away from Steve. "Sorry..." Said him and Eddie. "Sorry my foot you guys were about to have sex infront of me!"

Robin hit both of their heads, not too hardly. "Ow! I said I'm sorry!" Said Steve as he lowers his posture so Robin could not hit him. "Look, the kids!" Eddie pointed them out as they run towards the van. "Oh god were late weren't we?" Dustin stepped inside the van aswell as others, including Nancy. "Nah its fine."

Steve shrugged it off, he wasn't really sure considering he was too busy 'talking' to Eddie. Mike leaned to the drivers seat, patting Steve on the shoulder. "The forest please." Steve nodded and he sat back down. Mike looked at Will concernedly as he sat back down. Will seemed to be uncomfortable of how cramped the space is.

"Hey you can sit at the back row with me if you want to?" Offered Mike. He really didn't want Will to be uncomfortable the whole ride. "Sure I guess.." Said Will as he climbed to the back row with Mike. They both laughed quietly as soon as they sat there. "Pretty slick Mike." mumbled Max under her breath as she fist-bumped him. "What did you say?" Questioned Jane, she swore she heard Max mumble something under her breath. "Oh its nothing." She smiled at her. "Kids these days huh?" Robin chuckled as she overheard their conversations. "Yup, they're so smart." Replied Nancy. They both broke into a small laugh. It wasn't soon until Steve started the car, driving off.


As they were on they're way to the forest, half of them had already fell asleep except for Steve, Mike and Will. "Looks like we had arrived at our destination! Wake up everyone..!" Steve shouted, making sure everyone was ready and woken up. "Finally! You were driving so slow it felt a decade." Said Robin as she smiled, she was very excited to go on a trip like this. Steve got off first before going to Eddie's side, opening the door for him. "Such a gentleman, no wonder you're so popular." He smirked freakishly before hopping off the van, soon the others following out too.

-- at the camp site --

"Does anyone know how to set up a tent??!" Asked Robin. She definitely forgot how to after not camping for 8 years. "Here let me help you..." Smiled Nancy as she went to Robin to help setting up her tent. "We don't have much tents so unfortunately we have to share. Nancy and Robin, Will and Mike, El and Max (and Erica aswell), Dustin and Lucas." He griefly said as he pat his hands on his pants to remove the dust. He was done setting up his own tent. "What about you and Eddie?" Robin asked jokingly. "I don't think you both can be in a tent together, if you know what I mean." She teasingly said. She had a point though. Who knows, they might do something in the middle of the night while others are sleeping. That's when Eddie pushed Steve aside.

"I am sleeping in this tent. Steve will sleep in the van. There's no legimate way two men would fit in the tent." Said Eddie as he climbed inside. Steve then looked at Robin with an angry expression but flustered. "Whyd you say that infront of kids!" He crossed his arms. "Uhm guys... We kids need help with the tents." Said Erica as she pulled onto both Steve's and Robin's shirt.

As time went by, it was already midnight, they all had stay awake past 9 and their parents didn't knew. "Alright kids, time to go sleep." Steve clapped his hands, telling telling its time for bed. "Awh man..." Said both Jane and max as they went inside their tents, soon the others going inside theirs too. "Well, that makes us adults alone. I'm probably gonna go sleep now!" Robin got inside her tent, Nancy following her from behind. Now that leaves both Eddie and Steve in their lonesomes. "I'm probably gonna go sleep aswell..."

Steve yawned loudly before he stood up. That's before Eddie stopped him by hugging him from behind. "It's gonna be so cold tonight, can I sleep with you instead?~" said Eddie in a flirty voice. "NOT HERE?!-" His eyes widen and his face turning red. "You perverted dingus, not that kind sleep." Eddie hugged him tighter, laughing quietly not to wake the others up. Steve felt abit relieved as they werent doing it right now right here. They haven't gone far enough even though they had attempted to, he just waited for the moment to happend to make sure both him and Eddie was ready and comfortable enough.

"-But if you want to..." Eddie's hand went inside his shirt before he started touching him softly. Steve would shudder from the sudden touch. He turned around and held Eddie by two of his wrists and pushed him against the van. "Woahh, a bit fiesty tonight huh Harrington?" a smirked formed on his face, he had been waiting for this all day long. "What's with you teasing me alot today?" Asked Steve as he let's go of his wrists. "I'm afraid I cannot tell you here, how about we talk inside?" Eddie held his hand before pulling Steve inside the van. They both decided to sit in the back where Mike and Will sat because it was much more spacious. It was still kinda cramped though, Eddie had his knees folded and Steve sat properly. "Now, tell me." Steve raised one of his eyebrow.

"It's actually-nothing. I just wanted to tease you." Eddie said as he nervously looked away. Steve would pull his  chin so that he was facing him. "I need you to tell me Munson." Eddie faced to Steve, both their eyes locked eachother. "W-Well , I was kinda jealous of how close you were with Nancy today and I thought you might  ignore m-" Before Eddie could even finish, Steve leaned in, kissing him lightly. "Hey, don't be jealous. I swear both me and Nancy have nothing going on. Besides, she already has Robin, okay? If anythings bothering y-" that's when Eddie cupped his face and kissed him back, shutting him off. He then climbed ontop of Steve, laying on him. Steve would then place his hand on his waist and the other on his hair. He fiddled with his hair as he smiled brightly. "I love you alot Munson." He kissed him one last time before shutting his eyes close.

"I love you alot too, Harrington."

then they both ended sleeping together in the van.

te end :)


TSYM guys for reading but too badly it has come to an end. this might be the last time I'm updating the story because it's completed!! make sure check my other stories well, have a good day fellow readers.

some cute Eddie picture LOL I'm really sorry-

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some cute Eddie picture LOL I'm really sorry-

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