"Run faster, Eliza!" Elizabeth's fist reached Blaze's face, "Don't order me! I just had injuries by that demon birds!"
Flows guided Elizabeth to climb up the broken ladder heading the way underground. Blaze just sighed and held Elizabeth's hands, "I can't believe simple birds defeated you,"
"Then let's swap our places that time! There's even a barrier that prevents Akiro to touch me, damn that Blades Ace! That's why I don't want to go!" They all finally reached the secret third floor and walked towards the small hole, that way, they would get the underground way.
"This is what Reihan said he had a bad feeling about this," Frost recalled what Reihan told him.
Elizabeth nodded aggressively while they were walking, "Ah damn it! Damn that Kaorujimaaaa!!"
Blaze entered the small hole first, followed by Frost, Elizabeth, and finally Flows.
"I didn't know you had nice booty, Frost-kun" Elizabeth and Blaze chuckled, "Stop being a pervert, Eliza!!" Frost was red as tomatoes right now, he just continued crawling and finally reached the first floor of the underground.
"Here they are..." Blaze stretched his arms and let a fire show there, "Let's waste no time"
"Stop them!!!" Night Owl men shouted and moved to stop the Second Division from going to the basement where Akiro was tied up. Frost stepped forward and spread his cold ice all over the hallway, this caused the men to stop moving as their foot and body was stuck in the ice. "What's this?!?!"
The second division continued walking and had already two stairs that they passed to go down, they went to a wide and dark place, and at the end of there was a hallway again. The pace of the second division slowed down when they saw one shadow at the end of this vast area.
"Who's that again?" Flows can see hazily the face of the shadows, "It's approaching us," Frost got prepared.
"What can we do for you, visitors?" It was...
"Kaorujima?" Elizabeth can finally see the face of the walking shadow, "It's you that planned it all along, tch!" Elizabeth got annoyed.
"I'll handle this, all of you, get Akiro" Blaze looked at Kaorujima's emotionless eyes, it's empty, "How can you be sure that... you can handle me alone?"
"I'm just trusting my senior words!" Blaze smiled brightly, "He said even a child can knock you down, so I'm trusting I can kill you effortlessly!" Kaorujima breathes out, "May I have the name of your senior?"
"Oh, it's Seijoh, have you heard his name already? I know you have" He chuckled, Kaorujima clenched his fist but tried to calm down. He stroked his hair and loosen up his necktie, "Well that senior of yours know nothing, he focused on what should be forgotten"
Frost held Elizabeth and Flows' hand, he was in the middle of them, "Leave it to him," Frost ice wrapped their waists and brought them to the end of this vast place, they immediately ran and left Blaze alone with Kaorujima.

Descendants Of The Moonlight
AdventureA hundred years old clan (Luna Clan) got slaughtered by an unknown gang for an unknown reason. Akiro Luna, who's the only survivor got accused of murdering 492 members of his clan. He got transferred to the city for investigation-Which got handled b...