Chapter Three - Exagol

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The three of us listened as Poe addressed everyone about the mole in the first order and the intelligence we received from them.

"We've deciphered the intel from the First Order spy and it confirms the worst." Poe voiced then sighed "Somehow Palpatine has returned." everyone muttered to themselves, I glanced over worried at Leia, she shared the same look as me. Rey and Hattie grabbed my arms instinctively.

"Wait, do we believe this?" Rose wondered

"It cannot be. The emperor is dead." Aftab insisted , the story of Anakin Skywalker's redemption through killing him to save Luke was hope of the world. Stuff of legend and history.

"Dark Science. Cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew"  (guy from lord of the rings)

"He's been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years." Poe declared "The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known. He calls it the Final Order. In 16 hours, attacks on all free worlds begin. The emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the unknown regions. On a world called Exagol." my head snapped to Rey's we had heard of that. I ran off to grab Luke's Journal.

I scramble amongst my things, I knew I was the one that had it. I pulled it out of the collection and ran back.

"If we want to stop him, we must find him. We must find Exagol." Maz stated as I returned to my family.

"General." I breathed and everyones attention turned to me "Can I speak with you." She nodded and dismissed everyone. Rey nodded to me knowing i would take the lead on this. Leia took me to one side.

"I know how to get to Exagol." I began 

"Tell me."

"Luke searched for it. For a long time and he nearly found it." I showed her the journal "There are ciphers in here that neither Rey or I can read. But he was clear, to get there you need one of these. A sith way finder. They're compasses  that lead the way to Exagol. To stop what we both know is coming I need to finish what Luke started. Find Exagol. Find the Emperor." 

"No." she denied

"I don't want to go without your blessing, but I will. I will. It's what you and Mom would do." she sighs and nods. I leave and pack up my things.

"Can't I come with you?" Hattie asks me

"Not this time, sweetheart." I hand my things to Rey who takes them away "Look, this is a dangerous mission, the most dangerous yet and I need you safe. My strength comes from you, knowing that your my reason to fight, to live, to persevere. All the training in the world hasn't got anything on you. So that is your job, staying safe and being my reason." she wrapped her arms around me and i returned the hug. We then headed to the falcon.

"Rey says your finally getting off you ass and joining us." Poe taunts

"Language, daughter present." I scold him "Yes we are. We're picking up where Luke left toff. The Forbidden Dessert of Passaana."

"Yeah, I know, we're going with you." he taps my arm and walks past us "Chew did you get that compressor fixed?" I stopped Finn.

"We need to do this alone." I told him

"Yeah, alone with friends." he countered back as Rey joined us

"It's too dangerous Finn."  I insisted

"We go together." BB-8 and 3P0 Agreed. I high shaking my head but agree then turn to Hattie once more and I knelt in front of her.

"If you do this, does that mean you can bring him home, like you promised?" she wondered and my head tilted slightly.

"Hattie." I began "Ben....I mean your Dad he has a war going on, a war with himself. While I know that one day he will return, he has to want it, believe in it. He has to believe that everything waiting for him is more powerful than the darkness. The two of us will always be there for him but he has to make that choice. I was close once but I was hasty thinking it would happen straight away. The truth is, It could be soon or it could be a while, patience is our friend when it concerns your father."

"Promise me you will try not to get into to much trouble. Please Mum." she pleads with me.

"in this fight you have to be certain when making a promise. Sweetheart I can't do that, to lie to you would be the biggest injustice as a mother during these times. What I will promise that no matter what happens, I am with you always and I will try my hardest  to come back to you." i remove my pendant and give it to her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Mum." she wraps her arms around me for a moment then I raise back to my feet to face Leia. I gave her a small smile.

"There is so much I want to tell you." I say.

"Then tell me when you get back." she rests her hand on my cheek. I took it and moved it away hugging her instead. "Never be afraid of who you are."

"I was once, but I don't think I am anymore." I mumble back to her then pull away. Hattie takes her grandmothers hand and I blow them a kiss before boarding the falcon. I join everyone in the cockpit as we made our accent and flew off from base.

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