Chapter Thirteen - Tactical retreat

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Rey was right. Luke and I were a lot alike. We both sought  to protect those we love by retreating to an remote island. I stood watching as the First order ship burned and I threw fire wood on it. I had enough, enough of everything. Hattie was better off without me safe from me. I glanced down at Luke saber and threw it into the fire. But it didn't burn. It was caught. My whole body sagged as I was in shock, Luke emerged from the flames holding his saber.

"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect." he scolded

"Master Skywalker." I breathed dropping to my knees as he came over to stand before me

"What are you doing?" he questioned

"I saw myself on the dark throne. I won't let it happen, not to me and not to Hattie." i refused to be apart of that future "I'm staying here. Doing what you did, she deserves better."

"She does, your right about that. But I was wrong. It was fear that kept me here. Tell me Rory, what are you most afraid of?" he questioned as I wiped away my tears.

"Myself." I admitted "Who I am?"

"A Palpatine." he stated "We knew, we always knew."

"Why didn't you tell me? Why hide it? Why train me?" I cried. Luke knelt before me as the fire raged on.

"Because we saw your spirit. Rory we have always told you  that you always had the light in you. We didn't lie, its in you, you fight the darkness constantly without even realising it. You have had the spirit of the light since you were born. Your parents gave you up to give you a chance to be what they could see from the moment you were born. You have always been better than him. You are the proof that some things are stronger than blood. Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi. Your destiny, Hattie's and Rey's. If you don't face Palpatine it will mean the end of the Jedi. And the war will be lost." Luke stood up

"There is something my sister would want you to have. Follow me." I rose to my feet and followed him into one of the huts and pointed to one of the bricks i knelt and saw that it was looser than the others. pulling it out there was something clad in cloth. More specific.

"Leia's saber." I state

"it was the last night of her training. Leia told me that she had sensed the death of her son at the end of her Jedi path. She surrendered her saber to me and said that one day she hoped it would be picked up by someone that could prove her wrong. A thousand generations of us live in you now. But this is your fight. You must take both of them to exegol." he told me

"How? I don't have a way finder and I destroyed Ren's ship that brought me here in the first place."

"You have everything you need." i scowled for a moment before running out to the burning she I stopped the flames and opened a hatch.

"Two were made." I comment taking the second way finder into my hands. Behind me there was a rumbling, the spirit of Luke stood just above me with his hand out. I saw that he had raised up is former x-wing from the depths of the water. and landed it. I grin back at my former master and run over to it. Now I was no Rey or Han or even Poe but i could fly. I would fly and this time I wouldn't be alone. Yes I was wrong to do this on my own, I realise that now when I sent out the signal, inviting the others to join me in kicking some Sith ass.

-3rd pERSON-

There was another transmission from, Rory that was sent through along with the flight path to Exagol. R2 played it

"Okay so I know your all super pissed at me right now. But seriously get your head out of your ass and forgive me because I'm inviting you to a showdown. So get your asses here. Oh and Hattie drag them by their ears if you have to. Oh and may the force be with you...always." The message ended. Hattie laughed hearing her mothers voice. Finn and Rory spoke to the rest of the resistance and came up with a plan.

"Lando, Hattie and Chewie." Poe began but was cut off by the seven year old.

"No chance I'm coming with you." Hattie denied "I'm not arguing with you, my Mum is facing her biggest challenge yet and I will be damed if you leave me behind. Or are you really going to pick a fight with the Generals Granddaughter ." That shut them up even though they knew it was a bad idea.

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