Chapter Nine - Truth behind the myth

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I had only seen images from Archival data, and it was old and damaged but I could still tell that it was his mask. Darth Vaders. Making my way to stand in front of it, my brain couldn't believe that it was real. But there it was, the mask that put fear into millions upon millions of people and that hid the truth for so long.  My mind clicked back to reality. I was here for a reason and it was not he opposite side of the room. Chewie's weapons and the dagger. I picked it up.

he maybe gone but his followers are still out there.


I dropped the dagger back onto the table in shock, the voice was familiar but I didn't know who it was, only that it was a woman voice.

"Rory." I jumped and ignited my lightsaber turning around. Ren and I were connected again "Wherever you are you are hard to find."

"You used to love the chase though. Maybe a part of you still does." I retort turning away and rubbing my head.

"I pushed you in the desert because I needed to see it. I needed you to see it. Who you are. I know the rest of your story, yours and your sisters...Rory." I swung back around holding my lightsaber up.

"Your lying."  I growled

"I've never lied to you. I would not start now." he spoke back "Your parents were no one, they chose to be. To keep the both of you safe."

"Shut up" I sneer at him.

"Your sister remembers more than she says. She had longer with them, you can search her memories, you know you can." he silently urged me to teach her mind.

"No!" I attack him and he meets me in a lock

"Search for them! See them, look into her mind. Do it Rory. Do it!" It was instinct now the thought was in my head. I found my sister energy and I looked. i looked at her earliest memories. She was with a woman.

"My love. Rey be brave." young Rey was hugged again a man came in a knelt beside them.

"You'll be safe here. I promise." Our mother pulled away from Rey and handed her the other half of the pendant

"Trust the girl who wears this. Promise me if you ever meet you will trust her." Rey held the pendant in her small hand

"I promise."

The next I saw was Ochi ship flying away from a screaming Rey looking up at the ship.

I came out of my sisters head and shook of the feeling that I ivaded her privacy. The two of us circled each other.

"The gave you away to protect you and sold your sister for the same reason. Separated by a mothers love."

"Stop talking!" I snap at him.

"Rory. I know what happened to them." I attacked him as he brought up every insecurity I buried about being orphaned and adopted back to the surface. Things I long since put aside for the bigger picture life I wanted for myself.

"Tell me where you are. You don't know the whole story."

"I never wanted to know, you asshole. I was fine with being ignorant in this matter." I attacked him again.

"It was Palpatine who had your parents taken. He was looking for you, he has always been looking for you. He assumed you were with your sister. But they wouldn't say where you were. So he gave the order." he showed me what happened to them, Palpatine had them killed.

"Son of a..." I yelled clashing sabres again yet during our fight the stand that held Darth Vader mask was hit and it revealed my location

"So that's where you are." I swing my saber to hit but he blocks me, still even matched most of the time. :You know why the Emperors always wanted you dead."

"No." I grunted

"I'll come tell you." the connection was broke and my lightsaber retracted.

"Shit." I grabbed what I needed and ran back to the ship taking out storm troopers that were questioning 3P0.

"Oh dear! My first lazer battle." I handed him a weapon.

"Where are the others?" I ask

"They haven't come back." he answered just as Ren's ship arrived in the loading dock.

"Find them, tell Rey I'm sorry. okay? Go" I handed him everything else. My friends went to find the others as the gust of wind sent my loose flowing hair back. He disembarked and I made my way over before we circled each other.

"You going to finish the story or what? It's impolite to leave a girl hanging." I held out my hands in a small shrug "Why does the emperor want me? Why did my parents give me away?"

"Because they knew what you would become. You don't just have power, you have his power. You and your sister are his granddaughters. You are a Palpatine." his words but me like a knife "My mother was the daughter of Vader. Your father was the son of the emperor. What Palpatine doesn't know is that we are a dyad in the Force, Rory. Two that are one." I glance backwards. I had moving away and now I was on the edge of the docking bay with the city light shining from below.

"We'll kill him together and take the throne, our family united where we have always meant to be." I gulped slightly. There it was the resistance within me. I would not ever let my daughter become dark, my reason to fight despite wanting to run and hide. Ren removed his mask. "You know what you need to do. You know." he offered me his hand again. Just like before I wanted to take it.

"I do." just then the powerful winds of the falcon coming to my air sent most stormtroopers flying back while Ren and I resisted.

"Rory!" I turned seeing my sister then glanced back "Rory come on." I flashed a smile then ran and jumped onto the ramp of the falcon being caught by my sister, then flying off just as quick

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