Chapter Eleven - Fighting inner Daemons

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3rd Person

Rey woke up confused and cold. She looked around but her sister was gone, she had done something stupid, Rey could tell. She ran as fast she can back to the falcon.

"Rory's Gone!" she yelled "She's gone!" Poe and Finn came out

"What do you mean she's gone?" Poe questioned

"She must have done some Jedi mind trick and sent me to sleep, when I woke up she wasn't there I know she's left on her own...again." They took off running up the hill. Finn searched for his friend through the binoculars and found the skimmer with her inside riding the treacherous waves.

"She took the skimmer?" Hannah the leader of the defective stormtroopers asked. Rey was given the binoculars.

"She's insane." Rey commented

"No she's Rory, it's a whole different level of madness. I should have known. What the hell is she thinking!" Poe grunted in frustration as he made his way back to the falcon.

"We have to go after her." Rey insisted scared for her sister, she had only really had a sister for a year and she wasn't ready to lose her like she had lost everything else. That and the thought of facing Hattie if something happens to Rory wasn't to think about.

"Get the falcon fixed and get out there as fast as we can." Poe replied back

"We can't just leave her." Finn denied, Poe rounded on the two

"She left us, like always. What do you wanna do? Swim?" he shouted at them shocking them slightly then stormed back to the Falcon.

"She's not herself. You have no idea what she's fighting." Rey yelled back at him

"And you do, you've only known her for a year, the both of you." Rey and Finn glanced at each other. "She always has to do things herself she's that stubborn."

"We do and so does Leia." Fin responded

"Well I'm not Leia."

"That's for sure." Rey huffed back as the followed him back down.


I managed to navigate the waves into a opening of the broken death star wreckage that I needed to be. Like always nothing was easy and it was going to be one hell of a climb. I grunted and breathed heavily trying to make my way up, finally a reached a corridor. Which brought me into what was a old throne room.

"Okay now what?" I speak to myself. Behind me a secret door opened, making me turn. Well that answered my question. I walked in and the door closed behind me, whispers called to me and I turned my head, there it was the pyramid from Luke's drawings. They Sith way finder. I grabbed onto it and removed from where it had been all this time. I felt calm. Well that was until I hear a ignition of a lightsaber and turned seeing what I can only describe as my evil self.

"Don't be afraid of who you are?" she told me. On instinct I ignited  mine and we fought briefly locking with one another. She hissed at me and I jumped back tripping out of the secret room and onto the floor letting go of the way finder. But it was caught. I snap my gaze to meet with Ren's. I jumped up ready to fight him, I would save him later but right now he was in my way.

"Look at yourself. You wanted to prove to my uncle and my mother that you were a Jedi but you've proven something else." he spoke "You can't go back to her now." he shook his head

"like hell I can't."

"Give it to me." i growl and he shudders

"The Dark side is in our nature. Surrender to it." he tells me

"Give. it. Now!" I yell

"The only way your getting to Exagol is with me." he crushed the way finder to bits and pieces, ruining my chance.

"No!" I scream and swing for him, he dodges my attempt but does not light his saber up to defend himself. Not at first but he did and then we duelled. I kicked him in the stomach down into a open hole and i followed. He was already back on his feet as i came for him. We stood struggling against one another.

"You son..of a bitch...You jeopardise the life of my daughter....our child for your own selfish needs." Tears come out but are masked by the crashing waves falling over me.

"She would be with us Rory, we can rule."

"He would kill her! He would kill me, everyone we've ever loved. Everyone we could, you would give that up? Why can't you see? Why are you so blind!"

"Rory! Rory!" I hear my sister. I push him back then hold out my arm sending her away

"Stay out of this!" I swing my saber around then attack again. A approaching wave make me jump to another part of the wreckage. He attacks me this time and i block before pulling away and fighting back then back flipping away again. I could sense that my sister was still close but she and everyone else needed get the idea it was my fight. He walked through the crashing waves soaking wet.

"Over my dead body will our daughter turn dark, do you hear me? I lost you, I refuse to lose her." I fought him again using the force as well. But the strain of everything made me tired and I was losing. Ren knocked be to the ground, I lifted my sober to fight him off but he knocked it out of my hand.

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