Chapter Eight - Way to the Sith

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Babu then got to work on 3P0 . I sat there holding his hand which yes I knew he was a droid but despite his rubbish timing and over zealous on facts. I had known him my whole life. He was at one point my teacher, he knew everything there was to know and he had taught me before I went to Jedi training.

"Oh I just hand an idea on something else we could try." 3P0     chimed then  There was large spark and 3P0 powered down. I looked back at Rey and Finn. Rey left to go to our new friend and help him with a squeaky wheel. Once he was okay he zoomed around, while i let go of 3P0.

"Something is not right about this." Rey told us. "I know where i've seen it. The ship he was on. Ochi's ship" she glance back at me.

"What?" I asked

"The day our parents left me. They were on that ship." my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Are you sure?" The door opened behind us before I could question any further. Poe and Zurii re entered.

"There is an incoming destroyer."

"We gotta go now. Did we get it? Babu?" Poe questioned his old friend and we turned back to him and 3P0.

"Yep droid is ready." he activated my old friend and 3P0 now sat up, golden eyes gone replaced by flaming red ones.

"The emperors way finder is in the imperial vault. At delta 3-6, transient 9-3-6 bearing 3-2 on a moon in the in the Endor system. From the southern shore. Only this blade tells. Only this blade tells." he shut down and Babu gave a triumphant cheer.

"The Endor system? Where the last war ended." Finn questions. Figures we would have to go back to the first ending to end the second one. Nothing was ever that easy. The whole back room began to rumble. I ran off and opened the door.

"Rory!" my sister called. I stared up at the new First order ship.

"Ren's destroyer!" I called back

"He's here?" Finn wondered, but then I felt something else. my heart soared at the feeling as I rested a hand to my heart.

"Chewie." I laughed, I felt his presence he was so close yet so far from me.

"What about him?" Rey questioned

"He's on Ren's ship." I glanced back "He's alive. I can feel him."

"What how can that be?" Poe inquires

"He must have been on a different transport ship." Now knowing he was alive, despite what we had to do, we wouldn't do it without Chewie. We had to go get him before anything else. We left with no plan and a completely wiped 3P0 who was wanting to know everything. I saw a ship heading for the city and I knew Ren was on that transport.

"We gotta go, now!" I call back and make my way ahead as Poe said his goodbyes to Zurii. Once we were on board, Poe used a Captains medallion that Zuri had given him for us to gain access.

"Medallions good, we're clear to land in hanger 12."

"Hang on, Chewie. We're coming." I mutter to myself and it wasn't long before we landed, there would be a patrol to check on us which there was but we named them as well as any other in the area.

"You three stay there!" i ordered the droids.

"Which way?" Poe questioned Finn.

"No idea...follow me." The four of us took off running. We avoided a patrol in the corridor and moved across just after they passed us, Finn scouted another way down and turned only to walk into a pair of troopers.

"Drop your weapons." they ordered

"It's okay that we're here." I smiled stepping out and the two relaxed

"It's okay that your here." one replied

"It's good."

"You're relieved that we're here." I Jedi mind tricked them to lowering their guns, which they did.

"We're so relieved."

"Welcome guys."

"We're looking for a prisoner and his belongings, you're happy to show us where they are, the big beast." I further continued

"Yes of course." they told us where to find Chewie and then I sent them to have a rest. We took out the camera that were standing between us and Chewie. I stopped and turned.

"Come on." Finn encouraged

"The dagger is on this ship. We need it."  I spoke feeling the pull and distraction.

"Why?" Poe questioned

"A feeling. I will meet you back at the hanger." I told them, walking away and not really giving them a choice or a chance to question or protest.

"I'm coming with you, no arguments." Rey joined me and I didn't protest, the two of us left the boys. I followed the pull.

"You know, for this past year I've been thinking." Rey began "It's more of a theory, that the your more stronger with the force because your the eldest. Like Luke he was more sensitive than Leia at first and like you."

"Rey, you are just as good. But you keep forgetting, I was brought up in this. The Jedi, the resistance, the stories. I was brought up in the heart of it after our parents abandoned me." I stop and turn to her.

"I'm sure there was a reason." she replied

"Like what? The gave me away and raised you for however long before doing the same thing. Our parents aren't hero's they're cowards. I'm me despite of them not because of them and it's the same with you. We are who we are because of our choices and how we handle ourselves. This conversation is over. In fact go find the others I can manage on my own." she went to say something "Now Rey!" I leave her alone and find my way to a room more of a quarters. Why here? I turn and spot something.

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