Chapter Five - What happened to Ochii

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We heard engines and looked out, First Order tigers were here. heading for our last known location. We needed to move and we needed to do it right now.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Land muttered "Ochi's ship is out past Lurch Canyon. Go."

"Thank you General." Poe and Finn disembarked. Chewie said his goodbyes.

"Leia needs pilots, you should go back." I advised him.

"My flying days are long gone. But do me a favour, give Leia my love." I gave him a soft smile rubbing his arm.

"You should do that yourself, I'd bet you anything, those raging bones have still got some fight left. Thank you, old friend." I kissed his cheek and left with my sister and Finn. We ran off

"There, look those speeders." Poe pointed out. I skidded under one of them and blew hair out of my face as I removed the panel to hotwire one.

"You are full of surprises."  Rey breathed

"no I was just really bored as a kid. Han thought this was a good idea to cure such boredom before training." the owners of the speederssaw what we were doing as I was tinkering.  It started up, still got it. I smiled to myself and climbed on. I had Rey, BB-8 and Chewie. Poe had Finn, 3P0. Stormtroopers caught up with us on their own speeders. Rey and Chewie shot at them as I drove. BB-8 was also trying to get my attention.

"Not right now, buddy." I called back to him. he beeped incessantly till a yellow smoke bomb went off. I turned and broke to a halt shooting at the trooper causing a blasé. "Never underestimate a droid. Thanks BB-8." He chirpped back in recognition. Oh did I mention that storm troopers could fly now. Not that they were a match for Chewie.

"Ochi's ship." Rey pointed out "I've seen that ship before."

"Rory! You get...." Poe's yelled were cut off as a straggler trooper caught our engine and sent us flying. I screamed then hit the ground. grunting in pain I lifted myself up and used the force to active my lightsaber and sent it flying to take out the trooper and return to my hand switching off. But it wasn't over, all of us began to sink.

"Crap! sinking fields." I curse

"Grab onto something." Rey advised

"Will this agony never end!" 3P0 complained. As we sunk in further and further till nothing. I fought and struggled to hold my breath that was till I felt a pull and landed in  a pair of arms.

"Whoa, I got you. You okay?" Poe asked

"Yeah, was a bit touch and go. Where's Rey and Finn?" there was another thud which was Chewie. Poe let me down.

"We're here. We're okay." Rey came and talked me into a hug, which I returned.

"I thought we were goners." Poe commented

"Ever the optimist eh Poe?" I slapped his shoulder glancing around.

"Which way out?" Rey and I used our lightsabers for light, while Poe switched on a torch.

"We have to hurry, I'll scout on ahead. Yell if you might die." I jogged ahead of everyone but kept my wits about me. I ran past something but skidded to a stop when I fully registered, that there was something out of place. I stepped back and stood in front of a speeder.

"Uh guys! I found something!" I called back to them and there was a collective of footsteps as they joined me at my discovery.

"Is that a speeder?" Finn wondered out loud.

"An old one." Rey commented

"Perhaps we will find the driver." 3P0 added optimistically and I hummed

"Yeah something tells me he's not down here making cookies, 3P0. And that was a sarcastic comment before you reply." I retort back to the android.

"Oh my, a hex charm." was the reply

"A what?" Poe questions

"A common emblem of Sith Loyalists." C-3P0 expanded on the information that he gave us as I put the pieces together.

"Sith." I huffed "Luke sensed it. Ochi never left this place." I moved away from them carrying on looking around.

"And he ended up down here" I heard Finn

"He was heading for his ship. Same thing happened to us happened to him." I stopped short while Poe was talking

"So how did Ochi get out?" Finn wondered

"Found him!" looking down at his bones, the joined me and Poe recoiled in disgust

"Bones. I don't like bones." he grumbled.

"Bones, never a good sign." 3P0 commented as BB-8 rolled ahead of us and chimed back to me, he had found something.

"Yeah, I see it." I knelt next to him and he air blew the sand away and i pulled out a dagger, darkness and terrible things this dagger had seen and been apart of. Screams and cries.

"Terrible things, have happened with this." I whisper "Can you feel it?" I ask my sister who silently nods gulping the the waves of imprints left with this item.

"There's writing on it." Poe states

"Perhaps I can translate." I hand it to 3P0 hand he lifts it up to examine "Oh, the location of the way finder, has been inscribed on this dagger. It's the clue Master Luke was looking for."


"Where is the Way finder?" Poe and Fin inquire. 3P0 turns to us

"I am afraid I cannot tell you." he answers

"20.3 fazillion languages and you can't read that?" Poe retorts incredulously

"Oh I have read it sir, I know exactly where the way finder is. Unfortunately it is written in the runic language of the Sith." he explains

"So what?" Rey huffs

"My programming forbids me from translating it."

"So your telling us the one time we need you to talk, you can't." Poe snips

"Irony sir. I am incapable of speaking translations from Sith. I believe the rule was passed by the sense of the old republic." as 3P0 was talking the creature that had killed Ochi surfaced from behind him. we all backed up holding up our weapons. But i stopped and handed my lightsaber to Finn. This was probably a bad idea but meh, its me so...

I slowly approached the large, hissing, serpent. It was in pain, I could  feel it. I peered over it long scaly body and saw a flesh wound. It growled at me as I began to hum a tune which made it settle enough for me to jump over and crouch down. Placing  my hand on the wound and stopped humming and focused on my breath and what I wanted to do which was healing. The wound closed up. It whined softly in thanks and slithered away revealing a opening. BB-8 and Rey came over.

"What did you do?" Rey questioned

"I transferred a little life, force energy from me to him." I craned my neck "It's not a recommended thing but you know it." I shrug and stood up readying to leave.

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