Chapter Twelve - Saving Ben Solo

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I know in the film its different and this is a transition for Leia out of the film but it felt right to do this.

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At the base of resistance. Leia felt weak, she knew her time was coming but she had one more thing to do. As she was helped to sit down after being take away from operations she looked up at Connix.

"Bring me my granddaughter." Connix nodded and ran to retrieve the little girl. Maz came to comfort her friend who gave a weak smile in return. Connix and Hattie ran over.

"Grandma what's wrong?" Hattie questioned concerned for her welfare

"It's nearly my time, my sweet." Leia rested her hand on Hattie's cheek "Soon i will be with my brother."

"Don't say that?" Hattie denied shaking her head not wanting it to be true.

"Listen to me Hattie. You must listen. Your mother and I have held on this long because we believe in your father. But he is at a crossroads again, you need to stop him." Leia told her

"I don't know how, I'm not Mum?"

"I can help you, I will help you. Take my hand." Hattie did so "Rest your mind, find them." she closed her eyes she could see him or her Mum but she could sense them. Leia used her remaining life force to bridge the gap between father and daughter. Just as Kylo Ren was about to strike a scared little voice stopped him.

"Dad?" Ren looked backwards as he saw two show figures he knew in his heart that they were his mother and his daughter. He saw Leia lay down still holding onto her granddaughters hand making him drop his saber. Rory took that opportunity to catch it jump back to her feet and activate it before stabbing it into his torso. Rory came to a halt as she felt life of Hattie and a fading Leia.

"Leia." she breathed. The lightsaber deactivated leaving a shaky Rory. It brought her back to her full senses as she dropped the weapon and covered her mouth as her love even now was proped up wounded.


I dropped to my knee's, what have I done? I...I...I had to fix this. No matter what he had done, I knew somewhere in there was the man I love. i held my hand over his wound  and focused on healing it. His breathing even back out as he was okay.

"I did want to take your hand." I admitted "Ben's hand not Kylo Ren." I stood back up and saw the ship he had come in. I ran off and stole it.

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Maz held onto a crying Hattie as the stood over a covered Leia. The former Princess turned General had given her life to save her family. Rey, Finn and Janna had returned to the other telling them about the fight and that Rory left for what they were assuming was Exegol. When they returned to the base, they were met with the news that Leia was gone. Rey ran to find her niece.

"Hattie. Hattie." Rey dropped in front of her niece who wrapped her arms around her Aunt.

"Where mum? i need her?" Hattie cried

"She's... she's coming back, she always comes back right?" Rey held Hattie tighter. They were like that for a moment.


Back on the wreckage of the long since dead, death star. The raven haired man was was between Ben and Ren stood looking out of the treacherous seas. Everything had hit him when Rory had healed him and left, The force, his mothers death, his fathers death, his daughters voice, his loves last words to him.

"Hey kid." Rey's eyes shifted up at the familiar voice. Then he turned around to face his fathers ghost. There was a long silence between them. "I miss you son."

"Your son is dead." came the trembling reply.

"No." Han replied back, moving closer "Kylo Ren is dead. My son is alive."

"You're just a memory." Ben tried to deny what he was seeing, what he was feeling.

"Your memory. Go home." Han told him. Ben shook his head.

"It's too late. She's gone." Be answered

"Your mothers gone. But what she stood for, what she fought for that's not gone." Han sighed "Ben."

"I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." Han raised his hand to his sons check.

"You do."  Ben glanced down at the lightsaber

"Dad." Ben didn't need to say anything else. The memory of his father already knew.

"I know." Ben threw his dark saber into the ocean and watched as it marked the return of who Rory had fought so hard to bring back.

Ben Solo.

Ben turned and was met with an empty space. Rory had fought so hard for him, to bring him back even in the worst ways. Now he would repay the favour. He found the skimmer that she came across in and would now follow and fight for her, for her and their daughter.


Hattie stared up at one of the skimmers, since she had been born, her mother family had sacrificed themselves one way or another to stop the First Order and her father. Mission after mission she waited with her grandparents Holdo and Leia, waiting for her mother to come home. Rory was Hatties hero.

"Hattie." Rey stood next to her niece.

"This war is all I've ever known." Hattie told her Aunt "The First order really gained they power when my father joined their fold. When Snoke corrupted him and Luke failed him. I have had to watch her fly away over and over again scared that this time might be the time she never comes back for good." Hattie turned fully to her Aunt for a moment then left mid conversation.

Later that evening the broadcast came through on all airwaves that this was the time of the Final Order and it was either surrender or die. As a message to the resistance they destroyed Kimiji as a warning. Lando returned just when Poe now acting General needed it the most and in turn made Finn a general to.

The little driod that BB-8 had mended had a tone of information. Ochii was tasked with finding  a young girl on Lantern which was a resistance base and bringing her back, alive. They both knew it to be Rory and that Palpatine had known where she was for some time.

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