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Me and erza stood there, serious looks on our faces ready to beat the weird guy to a pulp. "Come on erza, y/n I wanna see your strength with my own two eyes, but i won't feel it cause if you think you can land another hit in me you must be dreaming" Erza charged at him and attempted striking him with her blade, me and jellal looked at her in awe "so fast.." the man still stood there no damage taken "you could be the fastest person who ever lived but you still couldn't break through my reflector" i chuckled "what happened earlier then" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" he tried hitting me but i dodged his attack and became a decoy for erza, i faked an attack on him and erza hit him in the gut "yes!" i cheered, the man went flying straight into the wall behind him, "erza way too go! high five!" i put my hand out "not right now y/n we're in the middle of the battle" i poured "yeah fine whatever i didn't want one anyways" erza shook her head and put her hand out for a high five and i gladly high fived her.
"you- you hit me again?!"
"there are 2, 2 crucial weaknesses in your defence magic. Although it's true you possess the power to bend weapons and even magic attacks, you cannot use that ability to manipulate the human body, if you could then surely you would attack my body rather than simply twisting my armour, isn't that right"
My eyes went starry "so badass!"
"maybe, but that doesn't matter" he twisted erza up in her clothes
"as i was saying your other weakness is.." i get excited "can i say it" she nodded, she set up multiple swords above his head and they rained down on him "you're only able to control one space at a time, either the space surrounding your enemy or yourself but not both at once, so while you're bending spell is active on erza you're practically defenceless, completely unable to deploy your reflector magic to repel an attack that's coming right for you" i smiled, erza smiled proudly "in addition to that, this armour is my infinity armour, one of the most elastic in my collection and immune to your spell" i looked at her and whispered "erza what do you mean your still wrapped up in your clothes so it's not immune" she grinned at me and got rid of it "OHHH, then i guess your armour is a third weakness" she nods "i guess you're right"
Erza stood there majestically, blade in hand "yes you're right about that, this battle has reached its end"
the man starts laughing
a bell strikes multiple times, meaning that it was in-fact midnight, jella looks behind him "what's that" "it sounds like a bell" erza answered duh obviously it's a bell
"tolling the midnight hour..that's right, when the clock strikes 12 my powers reach a terrifying stage.. hahahhahahah" the man grew into a 20 foot, purple, muscular monster.
"e-erza what's happening?" i asked her confused about what's going on "stay back" she stepped back with me
"you could've stopped this from happening!" he joins his hands together and makes a large black ball, erza attacks him sending the orb towards us. "Ahhh" me, jellal and erza all scream in pain "what is this?" the blue haired boy asked powerless on the ground
"JELLAL.." he picked up Jellal. " your reign was based on a lie, there was no freedom in the tower of heaven even after the uprising, i was still too afraid too sleep at night" "what? you were there? all of you were there? In the tower?That must've been what cobra meant" Erza said "Tower of what who now? GAH i'm so confused none of you people tell me anything" My question was completely ignored and the man/ monster attacked erza "don't act so smug titania you're just as guilty as he is, while everyone suffered you turned your back, for all those years and now you've reunited with jellal, the one who caused your friends so much pain you're just like him in fact you're even more at fault because you could've stopped it and you didn't, just ask them!" he made weird figures and erza spaced out "ERZA.. ERZA SNAP OUT OF IT, YOU'D NEVER KILL SOMEONE" he then punches erza "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU UGLY FREAK. ANGEL SLAYER: PURGE" suddenly the monster collapsed and turned back normal, back into the man before "y/n, how did you do that?" i put my thumb on my chest motioning to myself "i've been practicing, that spell uses the evil inside someone to defeat them, the more evil my opponent is the more beaten up they'll be, so he should be out cold for awhile. However this spell uses all my magi-" after i said that i collapsed, for like the 100th time today, god i got too stop using so much magic, but yay i finally defeated a member of the oracion seis, i slowly blinked closing my eyes with a huge smile on my face.

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