Chapter 18

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Diamondback and Bubble followed the IceWing Prince toward the Prey Center. Before they could even see the entrance, the investigative dragons could hear the loud dragonets in the cave.

When they entered, it was a flash of sound and colors. Three RainWings were in a corner with a pile of fruit, they were talking and laughing which seems like nothing Starburst would do, so Bubble assumed that she wasn't there.

One of the RainWings looked like the one that yelled at Bubble a while back. There was another RainWing that was sitting closer to the older one, which had that white bandage that Bubble immediately recognized. He scooted a litter father in the opposite direction, trying to avoid them as much as possible.

The SandWings were all missing, but he knew that SandWings liked the heat and sun, so they were probably out on the mountainside, soaking in the sunlight. Bubble felt an instinct kick in, and he longed for the warmth covering his scales. He felt super tired just thinking about it. Bubble yawned widely but tried to hide it the best he could.

The NightWings were nowhere to be found, and that had Bubble worried a little, but they did not have red tails, so they could not be the assassin. Well... other than the one that is now the current king of the NightWings and the RainWings. He was an ex-assassin but was too busy protecting Queen Glory and helping run two tribes.

The MudWings were all over the place, two of them having conversations, one running after something that was flashing around screeching, another lying down, and another talking to Clay. They were sitting near the center of the Pray Center, Clay listening intently to the other MudWing as he was chewing on a cow leg. Bubble looked carefully at the large MudWing Dragonet of Destiny and could see a large scar where the venom had been burnt out of him.

Bubble was studying the scar when a copper-colored SkyWing walked up to Clay and leaned on his shoulder. Clay didn't look over, but he wrapped his wing around the other dragon. Bubble could start to smell a burning flesh smell, and he started to panic. Burning dragons was NOT good.

"Bubble," Diamondback said, noticing the panicking SeaWing, "It's okay. That is Peril and Clay. Peril has firescales and Clay is immune to fire. It's not anyone burning."

Bubble sighed in relief at Diamondback's explanation. Bubble should have known that. He felt like face palming himself, but he continued to look, but the smell still irritated his nostrils.

The IceWings were in a group, high up on a ledge looking down into the room. The SeaWings were not in the Prey Center, but Bubble knew exactly where they were. They were down by the lake at the base of the mountain, probably catching and eating fish.

Bubble's stomach grumbled thinking about the fish. He has not eaten all of today and yesterday. Diamondback looked over at Bubble with worry as Boris approached the group of IceWings.

"Hey Boris!" one of the IceWings said with delight, and for a moment, Bubble swore he saw Boris' face melt. He must have imagined it though because almost immediately he went back to a serious face. There was still a hint of another emotion hidden behind his mask.

Oh, poor Spray. The IceWing she has a crush on might like someone else.

"Hi, Snow Fox!" Boris responded, as he galloped over, and brushed wings with her. Snow Fox looked over at Bubble and Diamondback and giggled. Bubble has never seen an IceWing that didn't act serious and grumpy. This IceWing seemed cheerful and kind.

"Who are these dragons?" she asked, with a curious tone. She pointed toward Diamondback and Bubble. She noticed Bubble's strange wing markings and slightly squealed in excitement and interest.

"These are my claw mates, Prince Bubble of the SeaWings, and Diamondback of the SandWings."

Snow Fox slightly twisted her head and looked at Diamondback from head to tail. He slid his tail over to make it more visible for Snow Fox, and he opened his right wing for her to study, and she poked at his shoulder, trying to hint that.

"But, you don't look like a normal SandWing. No offense," said Snow Fox.

Diamondback just looked at her and smiled, "None taken. I have the body of a SandWing, that is why I'm, 'of the SandWings,' even though I'm also part NightWings."

"What about you? At least you look like a normal SeaWing, but what are those scales on your wings? Aren't those normally on the body only?"

Bubble chuckled as he thought about when Spray asked the same question, "I am a hybrid, of a SeaWing and RainWing. My father is Prince Turtle of the SeaWings, and my mother is Kinkajou of the RainWings. I get these scales because I am a royal SeaWing, but I'm also a RainWing. My guess is that this," Bubble pointed to his wing patterns, "is the adaptation of Royal SeaWing markings."

Bubble was about to continue his explanation when he was tapped on his shoulder by Boris. The cold that radiated from Boris' scales, and the sharp point of his claw when he tapped his shoulder caused Bubble's scales to become irritated. When he turned around to see what was up, his eye passed a red figure.

Bubble felt chills go up his spine as he noticed the blood-red scale color. The way his tail slithered on the floor like a Dragonbite Viper ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Boris pointed toward the SkyWing and said, "Him. Alpine."

Diamondback looked over at Bubble to see his reaction. Bubble couldn't tear away his eyes from the SkyWing. He just nodded softly in conformation as he felt Diamondback's eyes on him.

"That's him. That's the one," Bubble whispered softly, like a calm ocean breeze.

He could just feel the absolute hate and rage radiating off of Alpine as he slithered his way over to the pile of food in the center of the cave.

Bubble never seemed to notice, until now, that Alpine always acted like he was half sneaking around, half trying to stay in plain sight. He was always hiding in the shadows, but he was still slithering through the school like he was trying to act like a normal student, but he was always hiding something.

He was crossing, when the MudWing that was chasing the squealing animal, which he now could identify as a chicken, ended up stumbling in front of the angry SkyWing. He was now blocking the path of the SkyWing. He stopped, looking down at the MudWing in disgust. He just walked around the MudWing, leaving him laying there, but right before his tail cleared the MudWing, he whipped it to the side, making a sharp cracking sound as it smacked the MudWing in the face.

Bubble winced in pain and sorry, feeling bad for the MudWing, who was now crying silently in pain. He looked away, not wanting to be reminded of the fact that he just stood there, doing nothing to help the MudWing.

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