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She walked around the dining hall before going to the kitchen to find Jin washing dishes. She took an apron from the pantry before helping him do the dishes .

"Reine why are you doing this go and rest I can manage ."

"I want to help you the way you helped me and saved my life "

"Don't you feel sleepy ?"

"I practically slept the entire day so no I don't."

"You remind me of my little brother and sister."

"What were they like ?"

"My sister would help me like you do but my brother was a cracklehead." They chuckled

"Where are they now ?"

"They died in a car accident with my parents 3 yrs ago ."

"Oh." There was silence before they finished work .

"we both have something in common ."

"My dad died to when I was in my mother's womb ." He stared at her unable to comprehend her words .

"Reine ." He called her out as they were about to go to their respective rooms .

"You have been inside the house for very long you can go out in the garden if you want ."

"Mhm thank you telling me ." She smiled lightly before preceding towards the main door of the mansion she had already borrowed a pair of slippers from him .

Pushing it open she slowly walked out in the darkness . Fearless she continued to step forward as she was only in a thin oversized hoodie and shorts . Crossing her arms over her chest she sat on a bench before buring her face in her knees letting her emotions take over as she broke down.

The house was situated in the woods with a lot of trees surrounding it .

She huffed a breath before sobbing .

Who wouldn't ?

She was kidnapped .

Far from him. Far from her mother who she couldn' t live a day without and so did her mother who must have been crying like her just now . Her brother dead or alive she had absolutely no idea which made it even worse as her only pillar in life was Ye-Joon .

She took deep breaths of the nature in her lungs which calmed her down as she was a nature lover . She felt like murdering her biological dad for dragging her in this mess. If not then right she would've been spending time with her new boyfriend Jungguk , who she has no idea about since she doesn't have her phone .

She looked around in darkness while her cheeks were stained with tears before a hand came forward with a tissue encased between it . She turned to look at the person and it was Yoongi .

"Don't cry on someone who doesn't deserve your tears . "

"I'm crying coz I'm worried for my brother and mother ." She rplied wiping her tears with the hoodie's sleeve instead of taking the tissue offered by him . He withdrew his hand back before sitting beside her maintaining a safe distance .

"Don't you find the men you met today nice and gentlemen . Don't you like us ?"

"Are you nuts or what ? How do you expect a girl to like her kidnappers especially seven men and no woman . This ain't a stockholm syndrome case Mister that you all will be kind and I like you . I'm a normal person and I won't be easily pleased as I seem from my face . " She finished taking a long breath as he read her words and expressions .

"Judging by the words you use its seems you already have a prince charming miss ... " She gave a snorted chuckle before replying .

"He's is much more than Prince Charming ."

"He makes me feel loved and desired "

"That's that ." He replied.

"Don't press such mean comments make me feel spoilt brat. Some girls wish for sweet and soft men not Mr. Right or Mr. Perfect "

"You know you surprise me in all aspects , Reine."

"How ?"

"You're very calm and composed in comparison to other girls . If there were to be another girl she would have freaked out tried to escape us or seduce one of us but your sassy . You know where to be mean , where to be kind , where to savage or where to cry ."

"That's is most unique compliment I have ever recieved but thank you for making me encounter my aspects even though you have known me just for a day ."

"But do you really not want to escape ?"

"I want to but the same time I don't. I want to escape go home to my mom and brother and I also want to kill that man who happens to be my father ."

"However I don't want to escape either because maybe I'm just tired too. I have been working as an artist for a very long time and I love my job whole-heartedly . I love earning and taking care of my mother . I've been so busy with work that I was so exhausted but still kept a hold of my self . Maybe because I didn't want my mother to go through the hardships she went when I was young ."

"Its true this place is not my home I don't belong here but what connects me to this place or any other place is nature ." She took a break and then continued

"I grew up in a small cottage in the woods where my mum took care of me when my father abandoned us . "

"So you won't escape ?"


"I will one day . I can't stay here forever ..."

"But maybe not just now .... I want to figure myself out ."

REINE & JUSTIN | JJK X Reader |  ✔Where stories live. Discover now