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This is an excerpt of the book. The full version will be available on Amazon Kindle and paperback July 2022. Enjoy

The Dual Threat Series (available on Amazon)
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The Strike Zone Series (available on Amazon)
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The Moss Bluff Series (available on Amazon)
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The Full Circle Series (available on Amazon)
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The Bradford Series
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Our Beginnings (Georgia Bradford's Memoir) Wattpad release only

The Third Generation Series
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      I've been patient, more patient than I should be. I'm not known for being patient, many people call me demanding, power hungry, a bitch. I do what I must to get what I want. When a man is cagey, he's considered smart, when a woman is, we're called ugly names. So be it. I'm not a pushover.

      I've tolerated that little loser, Molly, and the stooges of his friends for far too long. I've put up with the crast comments and rude behavior. I've been looked down on, ignored, and abused by all of them.

     I'm tired of waiting to get my way! I'm done waiting, I'm done being humiliated. I'm just done with Nate Segler! I won't be made a fool of.

      Closing my molding compact, my teeth clench tight. My fingers squeezed the compact in my hand, before I threw it across the room. It smacked into my full length mirror, shattering the glass onto the thick carpet of my bedroom.

      He's pushed me away for the last time. I've looked away from every woman he's turned to when he wanted his "break" from me. I've ignored the gossip about myself when he dallied elsewhere. It got me press and a sympathetic image, for that I tolerated it. It worked to my advantage more times than I can count, so I allowed it to continue.

     Now Nate thinks he can just cast me aside for that little ask-a-nurse! She's nothing! No one! How does he think she can contribute to his career? She has nothing to offer him! She has nothing compared to me!

     I will not be humiliated this way. I've kept those pictures for security, my last ditch insurance, in case Nate ever decided to drop me. He doesn't believe me, he doesn't think I'll use it against him, but I will. I will play every card I hold to get my way.

     Pulling out the manilla envelope, I looked through the old photos and glare at the man in question. I'll ruin him before I'll let him make a fool out of me. It's a good thing I have a backup plan.

      Striding out of the room, I head for my office. Going straight to the safe, I turn the dial and open the steel door. Looking at all my precious possessions, I flip through the packages of photos and documents I've collected over the years. Baseball players, Football players, heads of state, judges, senators, I've got them all. Nate isn't the only big fish around.

     I'm not stupid enough to put all my faith in one man. They're fickle and will turn on you at the slightest turn. I've met plenty of rich bastards that I've gotten dirt on. There's plenty to choose from for my next lover.

     Pulling out a rival of Reese's, I open the file and flip through the documents and photos I have gathered. Yes, this will do nicely.
      "Sorry, Nate. But if you won't give me what I want, I know Erik Tipton will." Smiling as my plan began to take shape, I know exactly how to make this work in my favor and it will take Nate, and his loser friends, out of the picture for good.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

      On the drive to our parents home, I had time to look back on the last few weeks and wonder how I got to this point in my life. I don't blame anyone but myself for where I am or what happened. I'm responsible for my own mistakes.

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