Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


       I'm already in trouble. I've been in trouble since I said those three little words to Kayleigh and she didn't say them back. I screwed up. She wasn't ready to hear them. I knew that, but said it to her anyway. So sitting here while Molly rips me over Reese is not what's bothering me. My mind is completely on what happened with Kayleigh on the island. She shut down on me and that's what I'm focused on. I'm not really listening anyway. My mind is still replaying that moment over and over again, trying to figure out what I did wrong.

      How do I fix it?

      I've never said that I love anyone, besides family, before. I thought by saying it to her she'd be jumping for joy. I got no reaction from her. She completely froze up. When I tried to talk about it, she changed the subject and has done literally everything, including fake sleeping, to avoid the conversation. We've had great sex every night, and now I'm thinking about it, I bet she used that to her advantage too.

      Damn, she's good at this! Even better than me.

      Kayleigh said she loved me when she thought I didn't hear her. She did that talking out loud thing, when she thought it was just in her head. I love that. I love the way she watches me when she thinks I'm asleep. I love the way her ears turn red when she's embarrassed. I love it all.

      I know she feels the same way I do, but she's scared. And me saying it, only freaked her out more. I pushed and she wasn't ready. That's on me and I'll take responsibility for it.

      So for two days, I've been trying to get her back where we were. Coming home isn't helping me. Especially when I've got Molly in my face, pissing me off more. My frustration is coming across as anger and that wasn't it, not at first, now I'm definitely pissed.

      I was okay with Molly and Reese, to a point. Kayleigh made me reach that point where it was possible for me to accept it. She gave me a chance when I didn't deserve it. She convinced me to give them a chance too. Do I like that Molly's dating my best friend?

No. Am I pissed that they didn't tell me? Absolutely. Will I let it go after I talked to Reese? Yes, as long as he doesn't hurt her, then the gloves are off. For Kayleigh, I was gonna try. Now after Molly has been in my face for an hour, fuck it! I'm pissed and need to just hit something. Reese's face will do nicely.

     Reese steps out of his house, all smug and arrogant, when we drive up and my brain shuts off. A blind rage consumes me and I'm lost in it. I don't hear the girls yelling at me to stop. I hear nothing but the rush of blood in my veins. Storming out of the car and up the drive, I hold nothing back as my fist has a mind of its own. I caught Reese square in the nose. He knew what was coming but didn't even try to block me.  Fucking tough nut!

      Reese doesn't drop, just turns his head and wipes the blood that's gushing out. Bastard!  "You get one free, Nate. But that's it. You try for another, I'm hitting back."

      His warning didn't stop me and I lunged, dropping my shoulder and hitting him right in the gut. It sent us into a dog pile on the ground. Grunts and groans accompany the sound of fists smacking into bones.

     "Nate, stop! Don't you think you're scaring Kayleigh!" Molly yells at me.

      The sound of my girl's name got my attention and broke through my fog. She hates violence and yelling. I know that, but I wasn't thinking about it. Turning around to check on her, I move just as Molly does to separate us, sending Reese's fist into Molly's jaw.  In that brief second, I know what I started was wrong on so many levels. Molly and Kayleigh both scream and I sit back on my ass, head in my hands and breathe.

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