Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


      Kayleigh is nervous about this trip. Everything about her is tense. The press moved in too fast for me and ended up catching wind of her beach house and the place was surrounded by the time I got there to pick her up. Carla, once again, held me up with her bullshit. She's afraid of the press ruining her - good it's a good lesson for her! Carla can't stop what I've put in motion. I don't want her to stop it. She's afraid my love nest has been discovered- bull! So what does she do? She told them about the beach house!

      I should have known Carla was having me followed. I packed and ignored her pleas, the reporters, and every obstacle she put in my way. I knew Carla would be pissed over my announcements. That's just fine, I'm not happy with her either. She can't hurt me anymore but she can hurt those I care about. Carla is going after Kayleigh.

      It wasn't a surprise but I thought I'd have more time. I got there as fast as I could. I called in Molly for help with getting locks changed for a final time and a cleaning crew in. This time I'm getting a code lock, no more keys! Carla has mastered that trick.

      By the time I got to the beach house, Kayleigh was refusing to answer the door after multiple press had knocked attempting to get a statement from her. I banged on the door and ended up calling her to get her to open up.

      I didn't think of how the spotlight I live in was going to bring her past to light. I don't live in the past and the woman I know Kayleigh is, has risen above anything bad that may have happened to her. It bothers her though and I should have been more considerate of her feelings. I just want her with me and for the rest of these people to leave us be, at least for a little while.

      I got security to the house so I could get her out, and we headed to our waiting private plane. As soon as we drove away from the beach house, I knew that place would no longer be safe from the press for either of us. I'm sure Carla had her hand in that too. I don't want to think what will be waiting when we return.

     I watched in anticipation when we drove up to the plane. Kayleigh is in awe of this. She's not known this life long enough and I feel like I'm getting to relive this excitement again through her. Seeing everything through her eyes and bringing the spark back that I lost. We stepped out of the car and on to the tarmac. Moving to the steps to go up into the plane, I followed Kayleigh up into the cabin.

     "You rented a private plane for us?" Kayleigh's voice was the only sound as we boarded the plane.

     Smiling at her comment and stroking my hand down her back. "No, I own it, sweetheart. I just bought it. This is ours, when we have to travel, this is our way."

     "You own a plane? I barely own a car." She compares us, her mind running a million miles an hour as her eyes wander around the cabin.

      The interior has been custom made to my specifications. I knew traveling would be hard, going from game to game sometimes, so I needed to have some comforts to accommodate me. There's a wet bar and a small kitchen with microwave, and refrigerator in the front area that's separate from the cabin. The main cabin has light tan walls, black leather seats that lay back and a couch on one side. There's a TV mounted on the front wall, each seat has its own air controls and heated/cooled seats.

     Kayleigh's little fingers brush gently over the soft leather seats and her eyes move around the cabin taking in her surroundings. Walking from the front to the back of the cabin and stopping at the closed door at the rear, I answered her.

      "We own this and your car will be delivered to my house when we get back. Completely restored and in mint condition for you." I just found that out this morning and wanted to surprise her, but this is better.

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