Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


      We listened from the other room. The three of us learned long ago how to eavesdrop on the Seglers, when one of us was in trouble. As we listen, I watch Kayleigh's face drop at Mr. Segler's comment. It hurts her to hear that she could cost Nate his career. We know that isn't the reason he is doing this.

      "Kayleigh, this isn't because of you. Nate has been trying to get out of this thing with Carla for a while. He just finally has had enough. Don't think you're gonna hurt his career, darlin. He'll get through this just fine." Dillon tries to make her feel better, but I don't think it's working.

      "I'm gonna go to bed." Kayleigh says, uncomfortable with all of this. Even with our support, it's obvious she blames herself for this problem of Nate's.

       Molly looks at me, apologetically shaking her head. There's something in those gorgeous eyes that has me wanting to crawl across the floor for her. She closes herself off to me though. There's no joking, no smartass comments, no teasing as we listen to her parents talk to Nate. Her mind is elsewhere, not here. When she gets up to go to bed, I start to follow her, but Dillon grabs my arm stopping me.

      "I know you got a thing for her." No accusation, no warning but a statement of fact. "I think you really do like her, but I don't think you're ready for her. Leave her be until you are."

     "I won't hurt her, Dillon. She's family to me too." I try to explain my feelings, but it doesn't feel right or sound right anymore. Molly's more than just family and I know it.

      "Family doesn't look at each other the way you do, man. It's more than that. You know it, I know it. But until Nate knows it, you aren't ready. Night, man." He slaps my chest and heads up as well.

      Dillon is right. I'm not ready to tell Nate. He has enough on his plate with this whole mess with Carla, I don't need to distract him with my problems. I'd be a real crappy friend to do that. I'd be an even bigger jerk if I made a move on Molly and not be willing to take the next step.  Kissing her isn't exactly making a move, is it?

     I let my mind go there. How Molly felt pressed up against me. The way her little body felt in my hands, the heat that built between us and the way my body electrified touching her. Did she feel that too? Was it just me that got affected by that kiss? She felt so good, tasted so much better than I imagined she would. It makes me want more.

      "Hey! Everybody go to bed?" Nate interrupts my thoughts, coming up and sitting down in the game room, across from me. Popping open a beer, he takes a long pull from it. I try to push back my thoughts. I'll be thinking of Molly in bed tonight, I'm sure.

      "Yeah, D just went up. How did that go?" I motion toward the kitchen with my bottle. He doesn't answer but gives me a shrug. He doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

     "They're disappointed in me. Shit! I'm disappointed in myself. I know better than to do what I did. I knew it was wrong back then but I didn't think I was good enough to get through without it. It was so fucking stupid, but I did it anyway." Nate growls, frustrated with himself. He needs to put this behind him, all of it. Especially Carla. "They think I'm doing this because of Kayleigh."

      "Aren't you?" I know she is the catapult of all this.

     "No. Yes. I'm done with Carla and yeah I want to be with Kayleigh. I'm not doing it for her. I'm doing it for us. I can't be with her if I'm still dealing with Carla and this mess. I don't like being manipulated!" Holding his head in his hands in pure frustrated exhaustion, Nate growls, low and angry.

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