The boyz

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"NAYNAY LEVANTATE!!! (Wake up in Spanish) YOUR GONNA MISS THE DAMN BUS!!!" I hear my mom yellin

"OKAY OKAY! Shit, don't got to be so loud bout it!!" -__-

"EXCUSE YOUR ASS?? I heard that, you better check yo mouth before you speak to me understand!?" There she goes again!! She need to change her fucken mood!!

I got up went to the shower quickly, when I got out of the shower I saw two missed texts from Liaa and Tay


Liaa: iz y'all gonna wait for me or what?!?! Imma run late so wait for me Kay!

Tay: GURRRL!! You be sayin I'm slow and look at your ass!!

Liaa: ayyeee NayNay, u there!

(Me typing)

NayNay: haha yes, I'll be a lil late to so Tay wait for both of us ;)

Tay: Y'all ratchet asses need to hurry up then!

Liaa: Kay ill see ya gurlz later

NayNay: see ya

Tay: whatevs

(End of texts)

>>>>>>>> at school<<<<<<<<


Damn where da hell are they?? They lucky Im a good friend. . . . hmm there goes Nay's slow ass

"You took long!" I yelled at her

Nay starred at me laughing "I'm sorry Tay, ma mom took so long and then she was yellin me to hurry up and she da one who don't hurry up! Da hell!?!

"Hahaha, you funny" I said laughin

"That shit ain't funny, ahaha" she said with a messed up face, lol you gotta love my ratchets :)

Liaa finally arrives, ehh fuck traffic, you see what It does to slow us down ,damn!! Smh!

>>>>>>>at the lockers<<<<<<<

(Everyone crowdin at one side of the hallway)


Liaa:" Damn what the . . . ??"

Tay: "did y'all notice there's only girls in that crowd?!?!"

Liaa: "Ohh true dat"

NayNay: "I heard there is like some boy band in here, that might be why them hoes are there"

Liaa: "well fuck them, I bet they think they run all the girls!! Hell no they ain't gonna get me, they finna miss out on this" (pointing at herself)

Tay: "nigga, they better not . . ." (Interrupted by NayNay)

NayNay: "unless their hot!!!"

All of them cracking up!!


Liaa: "Damn I hate those bells, I ain't gonna get used to it!!!"

Tay: "that's what she said"

NayNay: "hahaha"

(All of them goin to math)

Liaa sitting down then notices there's a cute ass dude next to her Roc Royal!!!!!!!

Liaa:" DAYYUMM, do y'all see that!?!?!? You guys were right there some hot ass guys up in here!!"

NayNay and Tay starring at Roc


Nay and Tay laughing! Then they notice Roc overheard Liaa

Roc: "aye girl?" Giving Liaa a sexy side smile

Liaa: . . . . .

Roc smirking


Tay sitting down next to RayRay and NayNay sitting down by Princeton

Tay didn't notice who she was sitting by Ray, then she turned around and saw him, her eyes almost popped out!!

(Tay texting NayNay and Liaa)

TayLovesTacos: did y'all see who sittin down next to me!

Liaa_got_swagg: umm hunn I guess you haven't seen who IM sittin next to, he too cute! ^_^

NayNayBombDiggitiy: EXCUSE YOU GUYS!?!?? Look who I'm sittin next to, he's so sexy and he keeps starring at me ahaha!! I think I'm in love!!

Liaa_got_swagg: Ayye we need to stop fighting ova this, they iz all hot and sexy and cute!!

TayLovesTacos: Hell yeah, ayee watch me imma hit up on . . ( looking over Ray's name tag) Ray

NayNayBombDiggity: "lol I needa watch that! See ya guys, teacher keeps starring at me!

Liaa_got_swagg: DEUCES

TayLovesTacos: see ya


Roc: "Holdd up Liaa!!"

Liaa looking at Roc

Liaa: "yes?"

Roc:"can I have your digits?, you seem like a chill girl, and I would like to know you more, even though we didn't really talk in class"

Liaa: "umm . . . Sure"

Roc: " Ayye cool, thanks shawty"

Liaa: "welcome" (blushing while she said that)

NayNay: "AYYE GURRL THAT'S WATSSUP!! First day of this school and yo ass is already flirting, I see, I can't have my WIFFEY single for a month?!" Laughing while she said that.

Tay screaming to them across the hallway near RayRay

"Ayee, you guys look"

Tay going to Ray, them talking and laughing suddenly they hug. . . . A nice, biggo hug!

NayNay: Damn y'all on fire today!!

While she said that Princeton comes up to her

Princeton:"heyy NayNay, can I talk to you?"

NayNay: "yes!! I mean yeahh"

Princeton: "girl, your beautiful, and as you could see I couldn't get ma eyes off of you, I was wondering if you wanted to chill later and have a lil talk, if that's ok"

NayNay: " shore, and yes I could see that, but boyy . . . Your the one up here that's lookin nice and stuff, your . . . Just DAYUMM

Princeton laughing

"So it's a date"

NayNay: "YEAHH"

Princeton: "Kay babe, ill see you later"

NayNay: "bye"

Liaa and Tay:" BITCH look who talkin, you the one flirting too, so I wouldn't be talkin!!" They said laughing!

NayNay: "Damn y'all are nossy, haha sike, love you guys, but we NEED TO HAVE these boyz!"

Tay: "Ohh i forgot to tell y'all, that there's this guy named Prodigy and DAYYUMM he got . . . Everything!!"

All of them laughing AGAIN!


Hope y'all like this, it was one long one I think lol!



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