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[Two Months later]

NayNay's POV

Diggy and I have been talking and texting alot, these past two months have been real wonderful! He took me out on dates! I know we're not in a relationship and all, but it for sure feels like it!

Princeton and I haven't really talked since the day he ditched me, I'm sad he doesn't even check on me, maybe he wants to stay with Domi. . .

Anywayssss, my birthday is tomorrow bitchesss, I don't want anything, I just want to be with Tay, Liaa, and Diggy, the boyz haven't really talked to me like we used to, we used to be like brothers and sisters, it is all changed, sadly



Diggy&NayBomb: NayNay!

Nay&DiggyBomb: Hey(:

Diggy&NayBomb: Can I ask you a question!?

Nay&DiggyBomb: Sure?

Diggy&NayBomb: Do you still have feelings for Princeton?

Nay&DiggyBomb: To he honest no and yes, yes cux we've been through alot together, and no cux he did me wrong. . .

Diggy&NayBomb: Why don't you talk to him in person and ask him if he feels the same way?!

Nay&DiggyBomb: I should do that. . .

Diggy&NayBomb: Sorry for getting into your business, but if I want you to be mine, I want you to only have feelings for me and if you still have some feelings for him, then I'll like for us to only be friends

Nay&DiggyBomb: Im sorry I'm making you go through all this

Diggy&NayBomb: it's alright, think about it then hit me up(:

Nay&DiggyBomb: Okay thanks


Fuck! I really want Diggy, but I still want Princeton, I'm so confused right now




Seconds later



" Dayum, the fuck you want!?"

" I need help"

" With what!?"

" I like Diggy, but I like Princeton"

" Do whatever your heart tells you, if you want to try a relationship with Diggy, then go ahead!"

" But he told me to either forget about Princeton or him and I could just stay friends"

" Damn girl, think about it the whole day, think about the good things you've been with each one"

" Alright, thanks"

" No problem, I'll be with Tay if you need me just call me"

" Aight bye"

Liaa left and I was now alone to think of who I want, there's alot of thinking to do. . . .

Tay's POV

Liaa and I are together talking about all the shit we went through, if you're wondering about Ray and I, we're together, I live with him for now, management helped us get our own place. Ray treats me way better than what he used to back then, I haven't talked to the boyz alot, Princeton is just in a whole 'nother world, Prodigy is at Roc's place, Roc is trying to talk to Liaa, it's really awkward between them, I guess everyone chill except for Princeton, he's such an asshole

" BABEEEE!" Ray yelled

" BABYYY!" I yelled back

" SHUT YALL ASSES!" Liaa yelled

" You just jealous huh!?" Ray asked Liaa

" NAWW nigga, it's just disguising"

" Yeah sureeee!" I said

" Forreal though! I ain't even jello!"

" Haha!"

Ray started hugging me and kissing me, he then grabbed my ass

" Since y'all feeling up on eachother, I think I'll leave!" Liaa yelled

" Thankyou" said RayRay

When she left, he threw me on the couch, since the day I lost my baby, we've been trying to get pregnant again :3 yes we're young, but whatever

" Ray stop!"

" What? Why?"

" Im not feeling well!"

I held my stomach real tight for the pain to go away

" Lets go to the hospital!"

RayRay helped me get to the car, once him and I buckled up, he started driving

(At hospital)

" Tay Redding!?"

" Yes it's me"

" I have good news"

" What is it"

" You have nothing wrong with you, everything working perfectly fine for the two of you"

" Two of you?"

" Yes, you're pregnant"

" OH MYYY GOOOOOOD!" Ray yelled

I started getting teary

" Congratulations!"

" Baby! We gonna have a babyyyyy!"

Ray came up to me and started kissing me

" Tay I love you soooooo much!"

" I love you too babe"

" We need to tell the boyz and girlz"

" Ahhhh yes!"

NayNay's POV

It was already night, I've already made up my mind, something happened between Princeton and I . . . . so I've made my decision(:

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Hello beautiful readers, I just wanted to let you all know YALL SUCK ASS! Y'all don't fucken vote and shit, how the fuck am I SUPOSSED to update when y'all ratchet asses don't even show some love! JUST FUCKEN VOTE!

If you have read this far, haha I didn't mean all that, but y'all need to vote frfr I love you all for taking the time to read, but I don't see you guys loving it since y'all don't vote😣🔫

5+ votes = UPDATE

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