Part 5: the cult of Vecna

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It's been 7 months since the start of the school year. Today is the end of the Eddie's campaign, the problem is that Lukas has a basketball game too at the same time. Eddie got angry and tell them to find a sub, but they look of one without success. At the end they find Erica. Yeah, Erica Sinclair. The game went so good and we win. Gareth and I have been close enough, but the past 1 month I start to feel weird you know every time I see him something happens to me, I don't really know how to describe it. He has been extra weird too, he blush all the time, he stutters, he even laughed at my terrible jokes. Will, Jeff and Eddie say it's signs of love, but I don't know. I have been close with Eddie and Jeff too. I mean they are pretty cool guys and we hang out. I see trouble getting close, Eddie confesses to me about his massive crush on Chrissy. Yeah, Chrissy Cunningham the cheerleader, Jason's girlfriend. I ship but she is with Jason-bacon 🥓😪.

Jeff:Hey Y/N I wonder if you want to go out and celebrate.
Jeff:Amazing meet my at the usual place  tomorrow at 5.

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