Part 13: But Henry Creel didn't die...

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CREDITS OF THE PICTURE to the editor ( it is in the picture ) 6 days till the new season the umbrella academy 😀 BUT I DONT THINK WE GET ANY YOUNG CAST SCENES 😭 but we have Javon but it's not the same 😭 anyways let's go to the story:

Me: Oh, I liked that door.

Robin: we didn't have a better key.

Me: yes, we definitely didn't have someone to do this.

Robin: oops.

Gareth: what are we searching?

Nancy: I don't know. Something weird, I guess.

Robin: me and Nancy, max and Lucas, Y/N and Gareth and Dustin with Dingus. Let's go.

" This house must be perfect, look at this. This place is like my dream house." I said while I hear Steve fight with Dustin, they act like a married couple, Jesus.

Gareth: yea, seems like a cool place. Look at this picture.

"What pi-" I couldn't speak. Is this real? Is Vecna play tricks on me again?

Gareth: what's wrong?

Me: Can you see this boy at the middle?

Gareth: Yes, why do you ask? I mean, you can't?

"We need to find Nancy" I hold in one hand the family photo and in the other I hold Gareth's hand, to make sure that he follows me. This place is beautiful but it can be dangerous if I am right about my thoughts.

Me: found something.

Nancy: what is it?

" This" I show them the picture. ( yeah um I'm not sure if the past 8 sentences make sense to you guys I😭 )

Nancy: yes?

Me: the boy

Robin: what about the boy?

Me: who is this boy?

Nancy: That's Henry Creel. Victor's dead son, he died in the hospital one week after the attack.

Me: But Henry Creel didn't die there... He was alive until 1979.

G-N-R: What?

Gareth: Wait, how did you know that?

Me: you won't understand, you just need to believe me. Henry Creel never die in that hospital, one week later he has taken by Mr. Martin Brenner in Hawkins Lab.

Nancy: so you tell me that Henry Creel was at the lab?

Me: yes, he helped me escape.

Gareth: escape what?

Robin: no time for dark stories, Gareth guy, keep going Y/N.

Me: He introduced himself as Peter, not Henry.

Nancy: So how did we-

Me: Me, Eleven, Ten and Peter, got close close enough for him to open up. At me at least. He told me everything, and I don't really find Victor's words accuratable to Henry's story.

Lucas: I thought 001 helped you escape.

Me: You don't understand me. Henry Creel is 001.

Gareth: I definitely need some vacation, I don't understand a thing.

Steve: the lights

Me: I don't like this.

Dustin: it goes upstairs. I don't think this is a good idea.

Gareth: What lab? What numbers? Who's Eleven and Ten? How this family connect there? And why you know all this? Can someone explain?

Steve: ssss, this way, be quiet.

Yeah, the lights go off and of the flashlights broke blabalbla... we are in the car.



Gareth: If you don't tell me what's going on, I can't help.

Dustin: that's not our business.

Gareth: I'm talking to them, if you-

Steve: EVERYONE, SHUT UP. Dustin, get Eddie, Y/N IF, I SAY IF you are comfortable to tell him, otherwise you will never ask them again to tell you about this story. Okay? We find it? WE ARE OKAY? CAN I START DRIVE?

Dustin: to the skull rock

Steve: seriously? The skull rock? Goddamn Munson. (I ship it 🙋🏽‍♀️. I mean Steve Eddie >> Steve Nancy and if you ship Steve and Robin and isn't Platonic GET OUT SHE'S A LESBIAN. Thank you :).)

Dustin: 1975 our birthday, Doctor Martin Brenner and people from Hawkins Lab broke into our house and kidnap Y/N. I and my mom move to Hawkins.

Y/N: I stay at the lab till 1979. Henry Creel kill everyone and help me escape. Eleven, Mike's girlfriend end him and sent him in the upside-down. I turn back safe, years later Eleven escape too Henry and ten never made it out of here. Ten killed by accident.

Gareth: What are you doing there?

Dustin: Experiments.

Gareth: To what?

Me: Too far.

Gareth: Sorry.

675 words

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