Part 7: I wanna scream and shout and let it all out.

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Me: oh my God, you guys really help him.
Robin: Max saw something, weird.
Gareth: weird?
Dustin: like something paranormal happened there.

Gareth: paranormal?
Steve: Y/N, we need um your-

Me: No.
Everyone  except Gareth: No?
Dustin: what do you mean no?

"I'm not gonna start all this again, there's nothing paranormal, no shadow monsters, no Demogorgons, no upside-down, no adventure. I'm not gonna go through all this again. Enough is enough. I just want an ordinary life. Just a peaceful year. So stop trying to find any other cases to solve because the detective is out"

Dustin: But we need you.

"Really? Need me? Seriously guys, how long we gonna pretend that we are okay, huh? Max is traumatized and no one was here, Lucas is with Jason and they search for Dustin, the only thing that Mike talks about is Eleven, Will is depressing because everyone forgot his birthday he has been through  much and all his ever asked was a bit of the childhood he lost, he wanted just a D&D game but you guys were busy to save the world and look after El and then you join a D&D club while he's away and suffer alone. Tell me guys, did anyone of you remember his birthday? Of course not, why? Because all you care about is yourselves. Did anyone of you was there when I wanted to die, when I couldn't take it anymore? I will answer you. No. Only Will was there but he couldn't do much because he was away. You only remember me now because we need to save the world again and of course because eleven don't have powers. You are exactly like them, you see me as a weapon but guess what weapons run out of bullets sometimes. I'm tired of this"  I shout and then I walk to the bathroom.


319 words.

[ GUYSSS OMLLLL. I'm so happy. Today I lucid dream and I was one step before shifting. But bc I'm stupid I forgot to script fully my DR room. BUT I WAS CLOSEEE. ]

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