A little bit about me

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I am very small, I am struggling with my weight, I have really bad anxiety and depression along with suicidal thoughts and thoughts of not being wanted, I am in my teens,I have brown hair,white skin, and bangs, I have 4 more years till i can be an official adult, 2 years till I can drive and 7 years till I can drink. I live in America. Thats all im sharing.

These thoughts are like
You're just a burden
Nobody likes u
They are just here so they can hurt u
Nobody really cares about u
jump off the roof
nobody loves you

I know none of these are true and I don't want to do any of these things but it's hard to know that my friends are like yeah we will never leave you or yeah we care about you but I never can believe them I went to a party today I almost broke down crying in front of my friends cuz I haven't seen them in such a long time and my family was being mean making jokes like you should get more protein or is that all or stuff like that and it really hurts yeah it's normal for siblings to do this but your siblings friends to tag along it hurts especially if you are really close to one of them. I know things like that aren't true I know people are going to say this isn't true or don't say that about yourself or people want you or you'll find the right person one day I've already found them there my best friend sure they are younger than me, I heard they have there own problems sure they are not always there when I need them but I understand that.

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