Thank u halos

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THANK YOU SO MUCH. Im sorry for being a pain. And burdening you people with my problems. But ' some mistakes get made thats alright thats okay in the end its better for me.' I have not done self harm in idk how long honestly. Here's a song I found that describes me.

Today I looked up how long it would take to drown
Today I looked up how long it would take to drown
How long can you hold your breath
Before you can't hold your breath any longer?
How long until your lungs give out?
And the sound that used to fill the void
Quiets like a mouse at midnight
Searching for its piece of the pie

Today I stood in front of a window
And Imagined what it would be like to fly
No, I didn't
I imagined what it would be like
To Jump outside the frame that caged me inside
But my better judgment said it wouldn't be very kind
If someone you cared about found you
That's the voice that plays like a tape on rewind
It wouldn't be fair to a stranger either

Death is a strange and hollow inconvenience
When you think about it
There's a blank face
That quickly and abruptly finds Its way to all the witness something of that magnitude
It's not empathy
It's not sympathy
It's more of a force intrinsic and integral self reflection
Why would someone do such a thing?
What could drive someone to that type of depth?
Could I be driven to such depths?
Would I ever be able to jump?
There is no place to be soft in these moments, jump
There's no time to caught in this moment, jump
There's no need to believe there ever was a moment, jump
Sigh, believe, relief in this moment
'Cause I could never be the one to be in this moment
Or could I? Jump

Today I looked up how long it would take to drown
Do you first hold your breath?
Do you exhale all of your problems and worries
Before casting your thoughts to the bottom
Of an otherwise empty place below the poverty line of depressed thoughts
And the sad calamity of a hunted house you've called home?
I don't know
Maybe someone out there has an answer

But for now I'm still trying to come to terms of the fact
That today I looked up how long it would take to drown

My biggest regret is part 2 of the murder mystery seiresWhere stories live. Discover now