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I just... can't believe it. Shuichi thought after Kaede was executed. How could something be so... cruel? Killing someone and making us all watch? And Kokichi... I don't even think he cares about all this! It angered Shuichi that Kokichi wasn't sad about this like the rest of them. He felt that after watching a person die in such a brutal way, everyone should be mourning the loss. It frustrated Shuichi. Thinking about what had happened, Kaede's struggle as she was choked, it all made him so upset. He lay on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. It all... hurt. He felt so close to Kaede, but he hated himself for getting so attached to somebody in just a couple of hours. Suddenly, a knock on his door distracted him from his sadness. He opened the door to see Kaito standing there.

"Hey, sidekick. You alright?" He asked, a look of worry on his face.

Shuichi didn't have the energy to lie to him. "No... I'm really just upset."

"Can I come in? You can tell me about it." Kaito said in a soft voice.

Shuichi let him in and sat on his bed. Kaito sat down next to him, looking him in the eyes.

"So, what's up Shuichi?" He asked.

Shuichi started by telling Kaito what was the cause of his grief. "It's just... Kaede. I miss her. This whole this just feels... wrong. And the fact that Kokichi..." He paused, his voice starting to crack.

"The fact that Kokichi doesn't care pains me!" He yelled, frustrated tears streaming down his face. "I hate that Kokichi finds this game fun! I hate that anybody finds this fun!" He sobbed.

"I hate...-" He started, before he felt strong arms wrap around him and pull him close.

"It's okay, sidekick. I'll be here for you." Kaito comforted, hugging Shuichi.

Shuichi blushed, his tears slowly down. He was shocked at what was happening right now, but he didn't want to move from this position.

"Thank you, Kaito..." He whispered, hugging Kaito back. "This really means a lot."

Kaito stayed hugging Shuichi for a while before finally talking. "You still seem worried. What's the matter?"

"I'm... I'm scared I'll be next..." He admitted. "I'm scared to die."

"Hey, if you want to stay in my room tonight, you're welcome to. I wouldn't mind sharing half of the bed with you." Kaito offered.

"I would like that." Shuichi blushed.

Shuichi was flustered that Kaito was offering to sleep together, but he was sure he just wanted to help. Besides, Kaito did make Shuichi feel safe.

As Kaito left Shuichi's room, all he could think about was sleeping with him later that night. He tried to remember that this wasn't supposed to be weird, but he couldn't help getting flustered by the thought of being so close to Kaito on a bed. That night, right before bedtime, Shuichi headed to Kaito's room and knocked on the door.

Investigation of the Stars [ Shuichi x Kaito ]Where stories live. Discover now