Elizabeth Anne Jenner
- May 1,2007
- Atlanta, GA ( later on )
- Taurus" As if. "
Elizabeth Jenner is the daughter of Kendall. As follow her sisters, Haylee, Lea, and Harper.
Haylee Charlotte Jenner
- January 21,2005
- Atlanta, GA ( later on )
- Aquarius" Look at her, she's like.. top tier"
Haylee Jenner, the oldest of the Jenner daughters. Would probably be the main reason people hate watching things with her. She's always spoiling things..
Lea Ivy Jenner
- September 19, 2006
- 15
- Atlanta, GA (later on)
- Virgo
" You seriously don't know your sign.. "Lea Jenner, the one who knows everything about astrology, she found interest in astrology duo to her obsession with plants. Weird connection but oh well.